Thursday, December 27, 2007

Can't. Speak. Too. Pissed. Off.

Heard from my mom the big 'hush-hush' secret of the season. My 19 year old neice, the one who has the mentality of a 13-14 year old, is pregnant. The kicker? The "boyfriend" is a 33 year old man. My sister allowed them to sleep together for the past few months because "they are just friends". Guess where the mental issues came from? It's genetic. Except we don't understand where my sister came from, my mom suggested a switch at the hospital.

I just called her (the neice) and talked for about an hour. She didn't spill it to me but asked a lot of cycle questions for a "friend". She kept dropping the "her" to a "me" everynow and again. When I tried to say "wait, YOU thought you might be pregnant?", she denied she said it was her. All her friend.

Goes to show just how much the "It'll happen when it's right" holds up. Yeah.


KatieM said...

Oh hun...I'm sorry and can totally understand being pissed off. I've taken that punch in the gut before too...I DESPISE shit like that.

Anonymous said...

Just when you think you've (read) the worst example of an unplanned and/or unwanted pregnancy... here comes this one.

That is awful. I'm sorry.

RBandRC said...

It's so hard to hear stories like this. I'm sorry and I totally understand how you feel. HUGS.

jenn said...

I'm so sorry- I've had my share of "THIS is who it's right for?" this past year or so & it sucks. (Now I get pictures every other week from my cousin who can't afford the heat on her free apartment- but has a 3 month old.)

Giant hugs. I wish it really DID happen when it was supposed to.

Swim said...

Ugh... that is a kick in the teeth. This is so unfair.

Katarina Jelly Beana said...


Is there no justice?

Kaci said...

ARGGGHH! And, I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

how sad for her.

B said...

Wow - that has to sting. ((hugs)) If it really did happen when "it's supposed to," there wouldn't be so many wonderful women struggling with IF.

On another note - I wanted to pick your brain and since I'm not really on web md, I thought this is probably the best way to reach you.

I'm just coming off of a couple BC/TAB C's and my plan is to do a Clomid C, and then a 2nd if the first is unsuccessful. If still no BFP, I'll probably do a lap/hyst to check for, and if necessary, remove any scar tissue. I've read about it online but there really aren't specifics on the type of anesthesia they use, how long after will I be miserable, etc.

If you have any advice for me, maybe you could leave it in a comment on my blog? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That does suck. You know the saying, "everything happens for a reason". The part they always leave out is sometimes you never find out the reason. So sorry!

Amanda said...

That sucks. Totally.

Just to add my story to the pile: I know a whole family like that. They all kept on "accidentally" getting pregnant and couldn't afford a pot to piss in. Including a mildy retarded girl who had two children that were both taken by the state because she was incapable of taking care of them.

Ann said...

And does she plan on keeping the baby, or is she doing the smart thing and putting the baby up for adoption so it can be in the care of a family who can provide what it needs?

Dr. Grumbles said...

It really seems such a waste that people are the most fertile when they are young and stupid. What gives?

Anonymous said...

Wow. That bites.

Jennifer said...

Been there. Back during my miscarriages, everyone I had ever met became pregnant. None married, some not even dating. I couldn't even speak to most of them during that time because of the anger and the jealousy. ALMOST all of them got their stuff together though and most of them are now married with multiple kids.

Found you through Blogger Bingo!