Sunday, January 27, 2008


Let the obsessions begin!!!

For the first week of the 2ww, I obviously can't obsess over anything. And I'm surprised over the people who do obsess about it. What I'm more surprised is when people pay attention to the obsessing. It's one thing to keep track of your "symptoms" from 1-6dpo/dpIUI, but to publish them?

This is why I cannot go to that crazy website I'll admit that I love their hpt gallery and I have gone there quite often. But those are concrete things to look at. HPTs. Hard evidence. The rest of the site? For me, not one word is credible. Seriously - they devote an entire section to women listing out their "symptoms from 0-6dpo". Like I said, it's one thing to think of them yourself, it's another thing to publish them - and it's quite another thing for a website listing them out like they are possibilities. If ~I~ was the owner of the website, I wouldn't list a damn thing about 0-6dpo because, well, it's simply impossible for your body to know it if you were pregnant!

One of my pet peeves I guess. Those women who say "oh, I knew I was pregnant at conception". Oh shut up. You did not. It is physiologically impossible for your body to "know" it's pregnant until implantation. A non-conceived egg and a conceived egg both have to float it's way through the fallopian tubes before it has a chance to implant. And a conceived egg, while maybe bigger by micrometers, isn't big enough for a tube to notice the difference. Until implantation, when your body goes "oh! there's an egg here, let's start making hCG" it's I.M.P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E. to know.

On the same subject, has anyone ever heard of a coincidence? Just because someone says "my left nipple tingled for an hour at 3dpo" and they ended up pregnant, does not mean nipple tingling at 3dpo means jack shit. But I can't tell you the number of times I read crap like this! It's usually from a newly pregnant girl listing out her symptoms and the things "worked to get me pregnant!". No hunny, I'm sorry, but the fact you hung yourself from the ceiling during sex is not what got you pregnant. The luck of timing got you pregnant. It wasn't because you drank a glass of tea before you had sex. It wasn't because you had a bath before sex. It wasn't because you propped your hips up. It wasn't because you relaxed. Those things are not ways to get pregnant every time. If they were, everyone in the world would try those "tricks" and there would be no such thing as "unexplained infertility". If the woman had accessible eggs and the man had good sperm, every single person in the world would get pregnant by just doing what you think got you pregnant.

Anywho, I'm at 7dpIUI. This is when it's possible for my body to start figuring out it's pregnant ~if~ anything succeeded this month. Of course, I can't pay attention to any "hcg induced" symptoms because I had 2 injections of hCG this cycle. If I was susceptible to getting sick with the teeniest amounts of hcg that is secreted in early pregnancy, the injection would of given me any of those symptoms. But I already know I don't get morning sickness until my hcg levels reach the hundreds of thousands mark - between 7 and 8 weeks pregnant. Little piddly amounts lke 10,000 IUs in a trigger shot doesn't do it, so hcg levels in the teens certainly wouldn't do it.

By the end of this week, I will know. I'll either be able to celebrate or I'll call my RE to get started on what I need to do to start IVF. It's going to be quite a week. I wish I could just be positive. I know the outcome is out of my control and I know there is a chance this could work. But I also know it's a very small chance and I'm usually not that lucky.


Denise said...

I hope this week flies by for you somehow! It may be a small chance, but someone has to be the lucky one, right? Why not you?

This is the internal (note I didn't say "eternal") optimist in me that prompts me to keep buying pointless Powerball tickets week after week.

jenn said...

I'll try to think of good things to distract you this week... I know your testing really begins in what- 3 days...4 maybe? So there's not all that much more time to kill. I hope it goes by quickly & I am getting cramps from keeping my fingers crossed that you get to see that positive! {{{hugs}}}

-and I just wanted to say thank you for all your knowledge & support right now- you really have helped keep me calm & positive about next steps! ~~puffy hearts~~

Lori Lavender Luz said...

The Now Knowing Time is such a weird place to be in.

Io said...

See, you might not have known the WORD snarky, but you know how to BE snarky. :) You are cracking me up.

Chastity said...

Amen on everything you said about early symptom talk! That stuff makes me exit a blog or website quite fast.

Good luck with the remainder of your 2WW!

Jenera said...

I'm sure I can't think of anything useful or constructive to say so I'll just tell you that I'll be thinking of you all week checking in obsessively to see how you're doing and what the news is going to be.



Jen said...

I have friends who knew the moment they were pregnant. I don't get it. I thought it was maybe just all the conceiving was done in a lab I just missed out on that magical feeling of knowing!

Good luck with this week's wait!

Anonymous said...

Best of Luck and babydust! I hope there was a great egg and some great sperm and they hooked up and made a fabnulous embryo that manages to implant and grow in that "perfect" lining!

Natalie said...

I wanna slap those people around too - you know nothing, it was a freakin coincidence! AAAAA!

Good luck this week:-)

charmedgirl said...

oh yay!! this is my favorite part. well, especially since it's you not me. the 2ww sucks ass in hell.

i hope the millions of pee sticks you do are two-lined and you post pics...

Anonymous said...

Hope the week goes quickly. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

You really nailed it about women start rattling off their list of symptoms...

Optimistic said...

HA - you just described me ... I am in my first 2ww and am OBSESSED with everything. I'm a google addict! I hope this week goes by fast for you, I'm 6d - we should find out around the same time! Wishing you the best.

Nico said...

It IS your turn to be lucky. It SO it. Hopefully the universe agrees with me and you'll start seeing the darker lines on those sticks in just a few short days.

Anonymous said...

I hope this week goes by quickly for you. I didn't realize I was pregnant till after I missed my period, both times I think people are fulling themselves when they say they knew right away. I will be checking in all week to find out the outcome. Good luck.


Meredith said...

I hope this week goes by quick and for a bfp at the end of it!

Anonymous said...

I hope there's no need for IVF for you!

As far as the before-implantation symptom had me cracking up!!! Hilarious!!!

Kim said...

I hope this week flies by for you. I'm thinking good thoughts!

Rachel Inbar said...

Amen... It drives me insane when women say they knew that moment... They probably 'knew' lots of other moments, um... until they got their period & then they forgot that knowledge...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this! I found your blog while obsessively googling for symptoms. (I'm 7dpiui today) Even though I know that there's really no way to know for sure at this point, it's not like I can focus on work or anything so I may as well look busy while I'm sitting at my desk! :)

Anyway, you made me laugh and I needed that!