Monday, July 19, 2010


I was recently asked to be a potential surrogate. Something I would love nothing better to do.

I called my ob asking about my last hss. Seems my stupid uterus still has issues. Remember me telling you about the adhesion bands I had? I guess that's an issue for carrying another child. I'd have to get surgery to remove it and then I'd have the risk of more scar tissue. This is something that definately stands in the way of being a surrogate. Damn it all.

I've carried three babies yet I still would have an issue in getting pregnant again. I'm so very bummed out. But if I couldn't get a bfp for someone else, it would break my heart and for the proposed parents. I guess its a good thing the rules of being a a surrogate are so stringent, but its something I guess puts me out of the running. Stupid uterus.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Elana Kahn said...

I'm sorry. :-( I know how much this would make you happy, but I guess sometimes it just isn't meant to be. It reminds me of when the rabbi told me I couldn't donate an embryo to my sister-in-law. I was so sad I couldn't do this for her, but then her hubby passed away like two months later. Right now she's thinking of adoption, but I think it's better for her this way.

Kristin said...

Damn, I'm sorry Nancy.

Searching said...

Ahhh, crap. I knew you really wanted to do this. :( I'm sorry it all rests on something completely out of your control.

jenn said...

I'm so sorry! I had offered for my sister, but she brought up a very valid point about worrying about me with the one kidney too much to go for it... Sometimes our bodies betray us in the most unexpected ways. <3

Lisa said...

I am so sorry that you won't be able to be a surrogate. I know that you were really hoping to be able to give that amazing gift to someone else. You would have been such a great surrogate.

mommybird said...

That stinks Nancy, I'm sorry.