Someone just posted about words/phrases/abbreviations uses that are annoying. For me, it's "KU". By the infertility set. Knocked Up. Really. How can the girl going through 5 IVF announce her coveted BFP by saying she got "KU'ed"? (made up scenario)
Is it just me?
I don't mind the term "knocked up" all that much but I am not an IFer. So that might be why I am not as bothered by it.
However, I do find it weird when people announce their BFP that way. It seems to diminish it and make it seem very trashy...
That term never bothered me until I ran into one of hubby's co-workers and she blurted out, "So . . . I guess you heard I'm knocked-up!" Not only had I not heard (and neither had hubby), but I was 3-months post-loss of a baby who was born and died at 21 weeks gestation (which she knew about) . . . it just seemed like an unusually trashy (and cruel, in my case) way to say it.
(Score! I think that is the most sets of parenthesis I have ever used in a comment!)
I've never seen this acronym, but I agree that it shouldn't be an IF term. To me, being knocked up means you were accidentally empregnanted by the guy you met at the party last weekend while you were totally wasted.
But that's just me.
When on purpose, and especially in IF, pregnancy is such a sacred and special event that using a term like "KU" is super inappropriate.
Actually, now that I'm deciding on my opinion... I think "KU" is just bad manners all together. Whether on purpose or not, you have created life! But that's my hypersensitive IF talking :)
I'm with Nicole. When I hear "knocked up" I think of a 16 year old girl who didn't intend to get that way. KWIM?
I don't like that term regardless of one's fertility status.
No I get you, it's annoying!!
Very inappropriate and annoying.
I use the letters "KU" all the timee but when I type it I dont think of "knocked up" as I don't see myself getting "knocked up" when I am pregnant. I'm just used to typing "KU" from the boards. I just think of it as short form for pregnant. I think of "knocked up" as being pregnant by accident.
KU annoys me too, for some reason. It reminds me of some variation of KY lubricant or a chemical element.
KU doesn't bother me so much... FD does. We used to just say BD and now we also have FD for when we're not O'ing? C'mon.. can't we just have one acronym for sex?
And "LO" as "little one". Irritating too.
KU doesn't bother me nearly as much BD does. Baby-dancing? Really? I mean what are we like 5? We're all adults, we can say SEX!
I agree Coco! Why do we need an acroynm at all?!?!
haha! I love all the comments on this one! I agree- especially with KU sounding trashy & like you had a one night stand. And with 'LO' - I can't stand that for some reason. Why is 'kid', or 'baby' so hard to type out? Does it really take that much out of your day that you need an acronym for it?
I'd say/type KU when I'm joking around. just like I'll call my husband my baby daddy.
I don't go on the boards anymore, but when I did I got so used to acronyms substituting for the real word and would just type it because that's the "language." Kind of like Jayme said.
It really doesn't make any sense when you think of someone actually trying and says KU. LO is like DH to me. They don't bother me, but is DH "darling husband" or "damn husband" or does it depend on the mood. ;)
For some reason, 'knocked up' implies 'accident' to me. I don't consider myself knocked up at all.
Yeah, it irritates me a little.
I hate "preggers." Makes me grind my teeth together when I hear it.
I don't like it. Preggo and preggers also make me want to vomit.
I guess I had never really thought about it enough to be irritated by KU. However, now that you mention it the term is completely inappropriate.
"KU" is annoying. My MIL is a fan of talking in terms like "knocked up", "boner", and "whacking off". Yes, when my son had his one-year old birthday party, she actually had the gall to tell a story about when DH's older brother and his then-girlfriend (now wife) were having sex, some guy was standing outside watching them, and DH's brother ran out there and the guy was whacking off.
I gave her THE LOOK and said, "we don't talk about that stuff at birthday parties". I then just looked away. I was so embarrassed because my mom was sitting right there and we don't talk like that in our family. Sometimes MIL has no clue.
I agree w/several PP- "knocked up" makes me think of someone who found themself pg after going home drunk with some random guy at a party. I've always found it to be a trashy term in person. I've gotten used to seeing it on the boards, but prefer to simply use "pg". I'm also not a fan of preggo or preggers.
I guess LO doesn't really bother me. I do HATE it though when someone starts a sentance with "my kid". It just makes it sound like the child is a hassle. It's not in any way endearing (like child, baby, toddler, teen, etc)
Maybe I'm just sensitive though due to "IF brain".
Hmmmm, in my mind "knocked up" is always an accidental pregnancy and not one that is planned for and longed for over an extended period of time, so yes I would have to agree with you...
Blech. Cute abbreviations for major life transitions? No thx. ;)
Nancy, thank you so much for your comment recently and your perspective from Karl's pregnancy. It really helped.
KU and BD both annoy me. Like Coco said, we're adults, lets talk like it.
In January 2008, when I got pregnant (briefly) after my 1st IUI, I told my boss that I was pregnant. She then announced to pretty much everyone else that I was pregnant. My assistant manager then looks at me and says "I didn't know that you was knocked up!?!" I was like "riiiiiight".
I don't even know what FD means. I know BD, but FD? I've seen it on the boards and assumed it meant "regular ole sex". LOL
I just hate the term "baby bump". I don't know just really, really annoys me when people say it.
KU doesn't bother me, but I do take it as an accident.
You would think after that many attempts.. she would announce it a little better..
Hey Nancy - It's Tasha (TKFaiella) from webmd boards. Still following your blogs, just finally set up on my own, so I can respond to everyones blog.
Just love your thoughts on people- cracks me up!! Much love, Tasha
Way back when, KU to me meant Kansas University. Now-a-days, it is an interchangable term for PG. It's more slang. I've not really thought about it as being accidental, although now that I do think about it, it would be more appropriate in describing some teenager who didn't hold on to the aspirin very tightly between her knees.
When announcing my (IVF/ICSI)pregnancy to extended family members I called myself "knocked up". My dad had annoyingly over-shared information on our reproductive life with a few of them (so given the gossiping that happens everyone knew) and I didn't want any questions so a blunt "And by the way I'm knocked up" was my preferred choice of words. It did the trick and shocked them all just enough that they didn't ask any questions.
S'a bit weird, ye, does one get knocked up when doing fertility treatments?
I personally dislike the term knocked up. It sounds very "white trash" to me and if not that a manly boast about having inpregnated someone. Neither is very attractive. Beyond that, reading this blog is often a trial to me in terms of understanding what y'all are talking about since I don't know the "code." I would have had no idea what "ku" was. I finally cracked some of the code so I know what an IFer is, I know what DH, SIL, MIL stand for. I know what "pos" means but I still have no idea what BFP means. There are actually still more "shorts" that I don't understand than there are those that I do.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE your blog, Nancy. I just don't always know what you guys are talking about.
BFP = big fat positive (as in a pregnancy test)
my peeve word is "sureal", it is so sureal... so annoying...
I'm having flashbacks...I haven't seen these abbreviations (which most of them annoy me in some shape or form, mostly the ones NOT dealing with infertility though) in so long...BD HAS to be the worst though. Seriously. I didn't even know about KU though. Probably not one I would use, mainly because I waited so long to use the coveted BFP. Man, I feel so left behind now :( JK...LOL
When we were TTC and BD'ing like rabbits around O, I'd used the term KU'd quite a bit. More in anger though like when I didn't get that BFP, and instead a string of BFN's followed by AF. As in - "dammit, I didn't get KU'd this cycle!" Like all of the annoying acronyms I've used here it's just another acronym to me.
oh heelllllll to the no!!! that's just tacky. although, i have dreamed of being able to say 'there's a motherfucking snake on this motherfucking plane' as my facebook status for a really long time now. that just seems like a priceless way to announce a pregnancy.
Yep, it annoys me to. But more because it reminds of me F.U. and I wouldn't want any kind of derogatory term mixed in with my joyous BFP announcement!
Knocked up is for unwed teen mothers. I find it inappropriate. My friend announced her pregnancy to her parents by telling them she was knocked up...she was 29 and married for 6 years and TRYING to get pregnant.
Hahaha hearing preggo always makes me think of the spaghetti sauce...Prego - it's in there. It sure is if your pregnant!
Ok, KU never actually bothered me, maybe I'm trashy at heart!
BD did though - honestly it sounds so stupid! Oh and so is FD, what does it stand for? "fuck dancing" - yeah, why not just say fucking then!
But ya know what I hated the most...the boards! SO much drama - you could not pay me to go back!!
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