~ Floods. Everyone is aware of the midwestern floods, right? Well, I have a good friend, Tim, who's Mother in law was devestated by the flood. She lost everything. Her home, all her possessions. Everything. Through the use of Chipin.com, a recovery account has been set up for her. I know you don't know her, but I'm asking everyone if they have a dollar or two to spare, think of Mary and donate?
~ Google Reader. Wow! I had a great response to my request to leave your blog and I have 76 subscriptions now. I was just talking to Miss Stirrup Queen about the fact that I am now addicted to it and I blame her. But she does point out a really good point. I may look at more blogs on a daily basis, but I'm reading blogs smarter - not having to click on blogs that haven't been updated. It sweet and I highly recommend it!
I did want to mention that some of you left comments for me to add your blog but your blog wasn't listed in your profile so I couldn't get to it ~or~ it was invite only. So if you fall under this condition, give me your URL or an invite! I'm a good reader and commentor. At least I'll be much better now that I have google reader!
~ Edible Arrangements. My good friend katie sent me a box of this tasty chocolate dipped fruit during one of my many IF dissapointments and ever since, I use the company all the time. Today, I sent an arrangement to my RE's office to thank them for all their help in getting me pregnant. Yeah, I paid them and they were doing their job, but they fielded many phone calls from me, many hugs when I was crying and even more hugs when things went well. I will be forever grateful so I sent them this: (with the card that read "I don't know how to thank you, so eat some damned fruit!")

Looks pretty freaking yummy, doesn't it? I did a few add-ons too - half of the strawberries will be dipped, 8 dipped apples and 8 dipped bananas. MMmmmm. (Tori, if you have an appointment tomorrow, be sure to get some! I bought a HUGE one for everyone to share so there will be plenty!)
I didn't even know you had a belly shot on your sidebar (I know you mentioned it and I forgot). Anyway, you are toned girl! You've had babies before and you look darn good.
I love Google Reader too. I added it to my IGoodle page which is awesome. I can access my blog, igoogle, and my reader all in one. Woohoo!
"so eat some damned fruit" - you crack me up woman!
Indiana got hit pretty hard - we're lucky, but people not far from us have nothing. It's so weird - some places are just gone and others it's like nothing happened.
Googlereader is like CRACK, but yes, it is a good thing. Careful - it's soooo easy to keep adding blogs until you suddenly are reading a million blogs.
That fruit looks really good. Now I am hungry...
OOOOOHHHH.... the fruit junkie in me wants that bouquet.
I'm going to have to look into this google reader too. I've never heard of it but I hate going to blogs repeatedly that haven't been updated in weeks.
I do laundry when I get down to 5-7 diapers. This allows enough time to wash, hang out, and stuff the diapers while still having enough clean ones.
I do still own some disposables, but I haven't had to reach for them yet. I would use them if I went camping (which in itself would be an interesting experience with a baby!).
Oh, in regards to the flooding, we sit high enough where we live that we weren't affected. However; just 40 minutes to our south and 45 minutes to our west got hit. There is a town south of us that also got hit in the August, 2007 floods and they are debating now if the town will recoup after this or not.
Yes, I love google reader too. I can put the blogs in any order I want which I love too. My mom makes those fruit displays. They really are pretty! Chocolate added sounds dreamy.
Darn, I won't be there, but that was very nice of you. I go in on Monday for my Depot-Lupron shot.
All that fruit looks very yummy. I'll have to check it out.
We just got one down here this year, kevin actually did the A/C ductwork in it (we both work for my grandpa, a sheetmetal co.) anyways that was really thoughtful of you to send that to the RE's...those baskets are expensive! down here one that size is like 80 bucks!? blah!! Anywho thats one thing I admire about you..you never forget about others. Now you go eat some damned fruit too..you deserve it! :)
Morgan - that size was $176 with all the add ons.
I was driving behind one of the delivery vans for edible arrangements the other day. They look so yummy. Now I'm really craving fruit.
I know this has nothing to do with this post at all, lol, but I wanted to respond to all your messages you left today, hehe.
Sorry about not sending you an invite..I was trying to comment on your blog for the longest time and everytime I'd log in with my user name, it gave me an error message (it did that with my blog sometimes too). I've missed you too and I think I already said it, but congrats x infinity!
My new chart is fertilityfriend.com/home/mrsdrink06 I've decided to keep TTCing even though technically, I guess I shouldn't. It's kinda hard to quit though and who's to say I won't have a job tomorrow, ya know? So, we'll see what happens.
Thanks for the comments on my pictures, I really appreciate it!! I'm going to post more here and there as I have to do photo projects for school so I'll post them as well. And I promise, if I ever get into a Red Sox game, I will definitely take pics of Varitek for you!! hehe
(((HUGS))) Now that my blogger seems to be working correctly, I can finally leave you comments! hehe And I will turn on the blog feed for you too! hehe XoXO
Edible Arrangements rock! We ordered a basket once for some friends but didn't get to actually try it ourselves. That's on my list of things to do one of these days.
Thanks for the comment on my blog! If you happen to deliver at SFMC (Penrose) I'll see you. If you go to the "other" hospital I won't. Good luck with everything, Cat and I are here in town and will keep checking in on the blog.
I love bouquets made out of food! I send my hubby a cookie bouquet one time. Fun, fun! This also gives me an idea of what to do for my clinic when they get me pregnant!
That fruit looks delicious. I made my MIL a candy bouquet for Mother's Day. It didn't look as cool as the fruit bouquet but it tasted pretty good!
I never realized how much time I wasted and how many blog posts I missed until I started using a feed reader. I've never had good luck with getting invite only blogs to work with it though.
LOVE Edible Arrangements!!!
Hey Nancy! I just saw your comment on my blog about your husbands grandma. Wanted to say I'm sorry to hear that too. That is strange. Hang in there!
Josh has a coupon clipped from Edible Arrangements and he keeps telling me that he's going to send me a bouquet. It makes for a lot of excitement never knowing when it will arrive!
I just looked and I was one of the people who didn't have their blog address listed in the profile. oops! I didn't even know it. Anyway, I fixed it. So...here is a quick link:
The absolute best holiday snack to come into my office is the edible arrangement. I love those things!
I need to know how to do this google reader thing, it would make my life so much easier LOL. So any expertise you have would be welcomed. And I love me some fruit that looks wonderful
That boquet is awesome!! The gift is sweet enough, they don't need a sappy card, too!!
Your note's the best part of it, hilarious. Course it'd be better if the gift was from HOME DEPOT YOU FOOL! ;-)
Mmmmm that does look really good! I love the belly pics. I did not take enough pics with my first pregnancy and have a ton from my third! I cannot believe how much earlier you started showing with pg #2! Were they the same sized babies? nclm
Google reader is awesome hey! I love it.
That Edible arrangement looks awesome, you are so thoughtful!
God that looks delicious....I LOVE fruit!
Didn't know about Google Reader - still trying to learn about all of this blogging stuff. Thanks for your post.
yesterday I had cabbage rolls and pierogies - now I want choco dipped strawberries and pineapple.
I love food.
I actually have two blogs, not sure if you got them both, or care. The other one links from my sidebar. =)
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