Monday, January 19, 2009

3 hours!!!

I slept a total of 3 hours yesterday! Well, "yesterday" meaning in the last 24 hours. You don't really count sleep hours the same way as you count days, right? Jesus, I'm so tired I have no idea what I'm trying to convey right now. Let me start over.

I slept a total of 3 hours since yesterday morning!


I slept a total of 3 hours last night!

The last is probably more accurate, but that would sound like I slept during the DAY. What a novel idea. Except I have other children and that whole "sleep when the baby sleeps" thing does ~no longer~ apply. How I wish I was still in that "9th month of pregnancy" when my back hurt and I "couldn't sleep". Ha. Couldn't sleep my ass. That was the best sleep I'll have for months. I love when newly preggos bitch about how uncomfortable they are at the end. They have NO idea. Really. (and I can only say this because I was one of them at one time.)

Actually, I can't add. I slept 3 and a HALF hours. (That 30 minutes is very important when it account for 15% of total sleep. Ooooo. Check out the math skills.) 11pm-12:30am and 3:30am-5:30am. On the good side, I got some very important movie watching done. <--- sarcasm. Too tired to stand up and put a new movie into the player, so watched "over my dead body". omg. I not only lost sleep, but brain cells too. I am less smart now. Really.

Let me just say though that I know I'm incredibly blessed to be able to be this sleep deprived over what's keeping me awake. That's a no brainer (sweet, since a brainer wouldn't be available for me to even think about). So please, don't think I'm bitching about "oh whoa is me, I have a ~newborn~ and don't get any sleep!". I mean, I am bitching about that, but I'm bitching about being sleep deprived, as anyone would. I wouldn't trade it for the world.


m said...

sleep-deprived posts are fun. (to read, anyway :) )

Oh Nancy, just glad you and Karl are home and healthy. Get rest when you can. Thinking of you both.

Misty Dawn said...

Get some sleep soon Nancy, if you can. karl is adorable!

Lisa said...

Nancy, I know exactly how you feel. I have been sleep deprived for almost 9 months now. I guess that is the joy of having twins!! It is rare that they both have awesome nights (on the same night). And since they both still nurse once during the night, it means that I am up at least twice and they are almost 9 months old!

Luckily for you, it will get better. And in the grand scheme of things, it is such a short lived time... or so I've been told!!

mommybird said...

I had to laugh when I read this. I'm about 34 weeks now and the doctor asked at my last appointment "so are you ready for the end to come". I looked at him and said, "are you kidding, this kid is so much easier to care for on the inside, she can stay in there as long as she wants." Having done this twice before I know the crappy sleep I get now is pure bliss compared to the total lack I'll have in just over a month.
I always laugh at the new pregnant mommies who want the baby out at all costs, I just think, you just wait you'll want the baby back in in a few weeks when the hours of sleep you've had in 3 days time can be counted by single digits.

Jenera said...

I'm right there with ya. It sucks. Right now Sam is going through a growth spurt so we are back to every two hours or so up for eating. Yeah.

The Captain's Wife said...

At least you have $45 worth of movies to watch while you are awake (lol)....

Hollie said...

Sorry you are not getting sleep. We have our good nights and not-so-good nights. Hope tonight goes better for you.

Rachel Inbar said...

Yeah, sleep deprivation sucks no matter how much you wanted the baby - it's totally unrelated. I hope Karl starts sleeping better soon!

Anonymous said...

((Hugs)) With my first - and so far only - my doctor said that my being unable to sleep towards the end was the baby's way of getting me ready for sleepless nights. Boy, she wasn't kidding! Just remember that this too shall pass. Unfortunately, that won't be for a few more months. *EEK!*
Glad you are both home!

Anonymous said...

I feel for your lack of sleep. I think it took me over a year to come out of sleep deprivation with B - and that is without other kids. I can't imagine with more just yet. Someday, probably....

Hang in there! I'm impressed you got out of the house that soon, with the extra surgery, blood loss and all that.

jenn said...

As much as I really do love you- I ~will not~ trade my 29 week tossing & turning 'lack of sleep' (which is actually the most blissful sleep I am in for & you bet I know it now!) for your newborn bleary eyed 3 & 1/2 hours!

But you do get to squeeze those adorable cheecks & smell that perfect new baby smell while you lose brain cells watching crappy movies...

Molly said...


Trying to get my 1 year old to sleep consistently in his own bed through the night reminds me of the whole newborn thing where I was up every 3 hours or so to nurse him. I'm just not used to it anymore (sharing a bed was SO much more convenient for all parties involved).

Looking forward to another scary blur that is the newborn phase with the next baby!

Jennifer said...

You are allowed to complain! It's very difficult to even function during that newborn stage. I'm quite terrified of going through that again, but with another child also. It was hard enough with one!

~Chel~ said...

I'm sorry I had to laugh! LOL! I hear ya though! Sometimes I think I'm crazy for wanting another kid...just for THAT reason! Hayden's 3 now and he's always slept pretty good! :)

Hope ya get more sleep tonight!

Kaci said...

You're entertaining even when you're sleep deprived. Hope you get some good rest soon, maybe at least a 3 hour stretch...

Jen said...

As much as I love Jillian, I hated the sleep deprivation that marked her homecoming. Nothing really prepares you for that. All I kept thinking was how much worse it must be for moms who already have kids. Talk about birth control...not that I needed it.

Geohde said...

Dear g-d this post brings back memories......
