Sunday, January 4, 2009

Burger King vs McDonalds commercial

Have you seen the commercial where they take people out of small tribes and whatnot and do a taste test between The Whopper and Big Mac?

This commercial totally pisses me off. Why? Because these people don't eat fucking hamburgers. And to stereotype the people they "picked" - are people who are gatherers and most likely eat a lot of vegetables. So, what has more veggies? A whopper or big mac? A fucking Whopper. Of course they are going to choose the one that has the closest taste to what they are used to. So, they are voting on which has the most veggies, not the best hamburger. And that's skewed and it pisses me off. Not that I give a rat's ass on who "wins" or not, but it's not a fair fight.

Warning - I'm going to bitch a little bit about how I'm feeling. I've hit "term" which means I'm past 37 weeks. Which also means I have hit the inevitable uncomfortable zone. Adding that to bed rest where everything feels even more sore? Good lord I'm miserable. I want to get up and move around SO bad, but I can't. I'm having ~tons~ of contractions, but only a little more painful than the normal braxton hicks, so I'm sure I will have no progress when I get checked tomorrow. (I turned down the internal check my NP offered last week.) Karl is still breech, his head is firmly poking me in the ribs. The kicks to my bladder are awesome and his butt is pushing on my cervix, causing out loud cries of pain. But, he needs to cook so I'll do what I have to. Thank goodness I don't believe in inductions because mommy is uncomfortable or I'd be one of "those" women, begging for an early eviction. No, no, no. Not for me. Inductions tend to suck assholes (at least for me) and I will ~not~ have another monitored birth. Although with the baby in this position, we're looking at a fucking c-section again. Grrr.

Oooo. I need to take another picture. I'll go do that right now. And, my husband and I have a bet going on about me packing a bag. He says I've always had a bag packed by now and I say no way have I had one before 37 weeks. Plus, packing the bag is easy as pie, as I'm a veteran at this, duh, and I don't have to consult a billion girls on a message board about "what to bring". Seriously - that's my biggest pet peeve question in 3rd tri. Bring what you think you'll want. I guarantee you'll bring too much, as the hospital provides everything for baby and you, but bah, no one ever listens. Instead, they bring their stilettos and underwear and nightgowns. ~shrug~

I am so fucking schnarky right now. People around me are loving it big time.

p.s. - have you made a guess? Please do! The link is in the previous post or on the sidebar. Thanks!


MrsSpock said...

Will they attempt a version now, Nancy?

Jenera said...

go ahead and be snarky. seriously, once a woman gets to this point in the pregnancy I think it should be a rule that they can bitch about anything and everything.

as far as a bag, I waited longer than with Aidan but still had it packed a couple months ahead of time. But I definitely took less than what I took with Aidan.

I'm hoping your little guy flips though. Sam was breech pretty late but I don't think quite that late.

chicklet said...

You really r schnarky right now. I think a trip to Home Depot would help! The hubby and the kids could load you up in a wheelchair, and push you around, pointing out all the fun things Chicklet would buy were she with you! It'd be a very VERY exciting outing dontcha think?

areyoukiddingme said...

Ha! It was almost my due date. My water was breaking, and that's when I decided to pack my bag. I figured (correctly, as it turns out) that the most important thing to pack would be snacks for my husband. They don't keep in the bag too long.

Jennifer said...

You can be as schnarky as you want it's your blog and your 37 weeks PG!

I actually forgot somethings that would have been useful at the hospital. I was VERY glad that I bought pj's/gown that zipped up the front...very useful when BFing. They weren't "cute," but useful.

I've often wondered if depends diapers would work for postpartum bleeding. I was so paranoid about making a big mess afterward when people were coming to visit and all. I'm weird...

Eden Riley said...

Stilettos, what the fuck? I totally had a guess. And I shall win. Wow, I hope it's not c-sectionsville for you mate!!

Molly said...

What in the hell do you need anyway? The most important things to have with you are books to read and snack for your hubby. You need a comfy outfit to come home in that is either maternity or stretchy, including underpants.

None of this stuff can't be brought by someone else later.

Also, I was glad to have brought my yoga ball for labor. It was nice.

I would really like to have an unmonitored birth this time around. Hope that it can happen.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't remember the bag-packing with my son, but I know I didn't pack one until the day I had my daughter, at 38w3d LOL I didn't even think I was in labor, but I packed up anyway and it was a good thing I did! And I agree, once you hit 37w, you can be as snarky as you want ;) I hope that the little Mr. either flips or you can have a version, and avoid a c-section!

Jamie said...

Be schnarky - that is how we love you best!

While we're bitching about ignorant advertising - I am so freaking sick of the Routon Boom commercials I could dig Brooke Sheilds' eye out with a plastic spoon.

jenn said...

I love you snarky! And you've earned it!

I'm sure you could whip a bag together in no time flat. And really? Stilletos? Not that I couldn't see it, but it makes me laugh!

As far as commercials I can do without- do you get the "snuggie" commercials by you? They are just ridiculous for a ridiculous product- but everyone looks like they are in a cult!
Also- the 'sham-wow' guy has got to go.

Elana Kahn said...

You are allowed to be shnarky! Btw, I'd love to know what you pack in your hospital bag. :-)

Catie said...

A non-schnarky Nancy is not a Nancy I know. I really sincerely hope you don't have to have a c-section, they aren't the most fun thing in the world, I'm headed for a second one when we actually get pg again, stupid hospital rules about no vbac's.

Hollie said...

Sorry you are feeling crappy. This part really is no fun. I agree it's not good to bring too much stuff. We packed a medium suitcase full just with two sets of clothes for each of us and travel sized toiletries.

The Captain's Wife said... may be as schnarky as your heart desires right now.....

You have loads of votes on your delivery details! Even some as early as tomorrow!!

I know you are upset about the C section, I would be too. I suppose that is the risk we take when we get pregnant...the rinsk of course being that we may have a very stubborn child growing inside of us, one that likes to do thisngs his or her own way...and doesn;t really care what we think.

Anonymous said...

I hate them becasue I think it is just a rediculous premise.

Who thinks this shit up?