Monday, January 26, 2009

Wow, I'm ~really~ sick. (upd comments)

My lungs are mush and I cough like I'm gasping for my last breath. My fever hit 103.4 last night and I woke up a few hours later in a pool of sweat (and to a hungry baby) so I had to wake up the hubby to hold k when I literally peeled off my wetsuit.

This is just a cold, correct? I don't want to run off to doctor is I don't have/need to, but wow, I'm really, really, really sick.


Liz said...

It sounds like a cold to me and the sweatiness sounds like it could still be hormones kicking back into place, too. I would rest (ha ha) and drink loads of fluids. If it's not better in a few days, I'd get in to see someone. Also, I'm sure you are, but keep checking for other symptoms. I had mastitis with my daughter and the symptoms were somewhat flu-like.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie, that sounds miserable. Can you hit the doc up for some antibiotics or something? Hey random question - can you breastfeed when you're sick? Does it pass it onto the baby? I'm seriously wondering, not being snarky, it just crossed my mind. :)

ssbean said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon. With a fever like that I would probably call your doctor. Try to stay hydrated.
Just in case I'm in a similar situation in a few months, can you still breastfeed when you are sick and running a fever like that?

Sambalina said...

It does not sound like a cold to me. Honestly, it sounds like an infection. You have a HIGH fever for an adult. Go to the doctor.

I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

no, definitely not a cold. You wouldn't have a fever that high with a cold. Possibly the flu, but with a cough like that I'd be worried about pneumonia. Give the doctor a call. The last time I had a fever that high I ended up in the hospital...and it was a bad case of the flu.

Anonymous said...

I second the infection thought. With everything you just went through a fever that high is way too scary to try to overcome on your own. Call the doctor, woman!

nancy said...

I got sick Thursday night and the cough has progressed. I was literally gasping for breath last night. I literally had to ~think~ about breathing to get enough oxygen.

So this is day 3. The fever has come back, but not as high. It's only 101.8 right now.

My lungs hurt so bad.

nancy said...

Liz, the sweatiness was my fever breaking - ~not~ hormones.

nancy said...

YES - you can breastfeed when sick. I fact, you WANT to breastfeed when you are sick - it's what keeps the baby from getting sick! He's getting a direct dose of the exact needed antibodies which will keep him healthy.

Anonymous said...

It should like it could be an upper respiratory infection. You may want to call and just see what the nurse at the office thinks.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd be concerned about the flu for sure. Don't wait. I had the flu almost 2 years ago and it got a lot worse before it got better.

Although, I felt ~sick~, it was mostly body aches, fever, etc. The "cold" symptoms came after the onset of fever and EXTREME fatigue/aches.

It sounds like something that needs antibiotics or something, though.

Hope you feel MUCH better. It sucks being sick and having little ones!!


sara said...

Oh ick! I hope you're feeling better soon. That sounds miserable :-)

Peeveme said...


I'd cal the Dr but since you are breast feeding I'm not sure they can give you anything. Maybe antibiotics but those wont do anything for you if it's a cold or virus. I guess if it has progressed into a lung/sinus infection then they would be effective. Can't jurt to call your Dr. or go in for a looks-y. Hope you feel better soon. Not breathing is kind-of scary.

Soapchick said...

Sounds like what I had a few weeks ago, and I went to the hospital. They said it was just a bad case of bronchitis. It could be that, but I'd go to urgent care at least due to the shortness of breath. Not being able to breathe is no joke.

Kathy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy said...

sorry about the last comment.. not really sure what happened!! LOL

I hope you start feeling better! I am glad your fever is breaking! for the cough maybe try standing out in the cold air a couple of minutes every hour.. that seems to help the little ones... feel better!

Mrs.Joyner said...

This sounds like a mixture of bronchitis and a cold. With a fever that high I would defn. see your doctor, esp. after what you just went through in the hospital, your system is still trying to recover. Keep us updated!

areyoukiddingme said...

I don't like doctors, so I'm never tempted to call them...and I never take my temperature. When I have a fever, I can tell, so I take some advil, drink some OJ and try to sleep. You won't really be able to tell if it's anything but a cold for at least a few more days (because colds go away in a week, and infections do not). If your fever is improving and your cough is not getting worse, I'd just wait it out. If your cough is getting worse, then you should probably call the doctor.

Motel Manager said...

I would definitely call the doctor. When I had my long cough during pregnancy, they basically told me to tough it out UNLESS I got a fever or started coughing up wet yellow stuff. That could be a sign of secondary infections, like pneumonia. There are plenty of antibiotics you could take while BFing. Hang in there....

Anonymous said...

It's been said here several times, but, with a fever that high, this does not seem like a cold. Whatever you do about it, I hope you are better soon.


CanadianMama said...

Stop trying to be so tough and go to the doctor. It sounds like mroe than a cold to me (colds don't usually have such high fevers do they?).
You had some complications with your birth, what if this is related? Sorry, I don't want to scare you but I think you should talk to a doctor. Do you have a health link number that you can call for info or antyhing like that?
I'm so sorry, it's a sin to be sick and have a new baby. If I was close to you I'd be over there in a heartbeat! I hope you have help! said...

i hope you feel better soon!

btw you look FANTASTIC!! ( i know that won't make the fever/ickiness go away, but seriously you look great!)

Sara said...

If you are running a fever, I would at least call the dr. But I tend to go to the dr. a lot! So I may not be the best to give advice!

Don't delay - the quicker you get some meds the better you will feel.

Hollie said...

That's a pretty high fever. Might not hurt to call the dr. I hope you feel better soon. It's so fun feeling crappy and trying to take care of a newborn.

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon!!!

Wordgirl said...

Oh Nancy.

Yuck, I'm so sorry -- you know you may have pneumonia -- that was the only time in my life I felt the way you're describing --- please, please get better soon -- get thee to a doctor woman!



Em said...

If you have a fever, it is probably more than a the FLU. Ugh! It could also be something like bronchitis or pneumonia. Go to the doctor, hun.

KatieM said...

Definitely not a the doc hun.