What a difference 2 weeks make, eh?

Due yesterday. Can't believe this little man could still be totally cool living underwater in my belly. My mind can't comprehend it.

Daddy and his son.

I wanted to say thank you for bearing with me in my picture posting. I know I'm fishing for compliments, but with how shitty I have been feeling physically due to the ordeal, the little comments you all are making back to me really make me feel good.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how close I really came to dying during childbirth. That last kiss my husband gave me, the look of fear in his eyes as he smiled at me and told me he'd see me soon, haunts me. MrsSpock made a comment which stuck with me regarding home birth. Had I opted for a home birth, I'd of died. No two ways around it. Thank goodness I never wanted that as an option. Really, I wouldn't be here right now to blog about it. My girls would have had to grow up without their mommy. My son would have never even met his mommy and he'd probably carry some major unsubstantiated guilt over his birth. It's just all too much to take in.
Question for J ... (and really, this is tmi for pretty much anyone else) what is the reason behind waiting the 6 weeks to have sex? I did not have an episiotomy nor did I tear, so does the general 6 week rule not apply to me? Or is there some other reason, like risk of infection somewhere up in there? I'm dying for some sex and don't want to wait another 4 weeks! I'm still lightly bleeding, so I have to wait for that, but as soon as I go a day without spotting, I want to go for it. I actually feel attractive and have been flaunting myself to hubby, even satisfying the man quite well (~wink~), so I want to know when I can safely get some for myself!
It's mainly to prevent infection in your uterus until it comes back down to normal size completely, 6 weeks isn't a hardened rule, I was told as long as the bleeding stopped I'd be ok.
I am so jealous! *sigh* I had my baby almost 10 weeks ago and still look like a stuffed pig (I wasn't even in my third tri, and only gained 18 lbs). Anyway you look great!
You look absolutely amazing!
I cannot believe that Karl is 2 weeks already! He's just so, so beautiful! Good job Momma!
I still can't figure out who he looks like...I'm thinking more of Allison!
the 6 week rule is because they want your uterus to shrink, and especially since they had to cut you open that needs to heal and 4-6 weeks gives it time to do that, if your incision is still open/healing on the inside and your cervix is still open at all the semen could cause an infection...this is what i was told at least
I didn't have any incisions.
I've done it before the 6 weeks. I can NEVER wait to have sex. Yep.. six kids.. who'd of thunk? hehe....
You look great Nancy! Makin' me jealous... I'm on a weight loss kick right now! I've lost 9 in three week... 41 to go..but closer than the 50 to go I started with!
Can't wait to meet little man face to face, I still have that Chicken noodle soup for ya. You gonna go to the bout on the 7th? I'm gonna try and be there.. I have my little ones that weekend! :(
I'm glad you are still with us... I know a ton of us were so worried about you! You deserve some rest and he is so handsome!
First of all, he looks just like his daddy! Very cute!
Secondly, for just having had a kid, you look great. I lost all my weight quickly but like I've said in the past I'm a big girl and I didn't gain much to begin with.
As far as the 6 week rule I was just always told it was so your body can heal. With Aidan I had a pretty bad tear because he came out like a freight train. But I didn't with Sam. My bleeding stopped before 2 weeks also with both. It must just be for everything to get back to where it was before being pregnant.
After Aidan, the hubby was on the road for 6 weeks so it was a bit easier. But this time around having home a day or two a week made that wait even more difficult!
The six weeks thing is mostly convention because the usual post partum check is 6 weeks- your cervix will close and reform *well* before then. Or we'd all cark it of ascending infection from our normal vaginal flora, to be slightly crude.
The reson for the post partum check being six weeks? Practicality- that's when most women have stopped bleeding and it isn't all messy to do a pelvic and a pap.
There is theoretical risk of infection while your cervix is still open, but for all practical intents and purposes when you're good to go because the lochia has stopped, well you're good to shag! It doesn't sit open for weeks.
Sometimes it's wise to wait of you've had an episiotomy or tear and have had sutures in, because having sex in an opening with a new scar HURTS.Common sense, really.
Lest I forget to mention it, gold medal to YOU for feeling the least bit like it with a newborn, too.
Summary, if you feel like it and you're not shedding red everywhere and it doesn't hurt, there's unlikely to be harm ;)
PS. you look MUCH better than I did at two weeks: http://s376.photobucket.com/albums/oo203/jodikeane/babies2/?action=view¤t=Slide22.jpg
I've never seen a post-pardum, neary-died, mom look as sexy and together as you!
(how's that? making you feel better?)
I never waited the 6 weeks. It was 2 weeks after my first was born. I had just stopped bleeding. Never had any issues. And you look amazing! Way to go!
Geez, I wish my body looked like that. 8.5 months PP and I've only dropped about 5 lbs. Of course, I was practically immobile from 30 weeks on and gained a crapload of weight.
I'm very thankful myself not to have chosen a homebirth, and to have chosen a hospital with 24/7 anesthesia. Ladies, if you want them to be able to respond to an emergency like this day or night, don't forget to ask how many anesthesiologists or CRNAs are on-call inside the hospital 24/7- not just who is on-call but has to come from home. A smaller community hospital would often not have this option.
A hint- if your hospital doesn't do VBACs for "safety" reasons, it is likely because there is no 24/7 anesthesiologist.
Nancy- we are all glad you safe and alive- the blog world would be boring without you!
my god woman! You look just about how you did at 8 mos pp for Ella! Amazing- super sexy momma.
I've got nothing on the sex thing- except kudos to you for wanting it! Hope it works out soon!
I do know how you feel (somewhat) about coming to terms with being close to death. In the moment it doesn't seem like it as much as it does later. At least for me it was that way- hit a lot harder after I was recovered & feeling better. then I could look back in awe & fear at what might have been. I am more glad than I can express that you are still here & that you had such wonderful care & resources. (Another reason I will forgo my vaguely crunchy wish of having a birthing tub in lieu of access to a fantastic hospital staff ready for any emergency either I or her could face)
It will still haunt you for months (if not years later) but I have found the haunting to be a good thing actually- that makes you stop & appreciate being able to be doing- well- whatever it is that you are doing!
Congrats again on your absolutely beautiful son & I am sure that I will be very envious of how freaking hot you look on your due date! especially 10 weeks from now... <3
aww - you girls rule.
Cara - YES, that made me feel better!
J - thanks darlin'. And whatEVER. you looked so much better than I did! Take into the account of twins, the fact you weren't twice as big as me means you were totally smaller than me. :)
You look so good Nancy~ Karl is precious and your husband looks smitten with his boy...
My Dr. advised me no sex till my 6 week check up as there is a large chance of infection following delivery for 6 weeks. She said it was becasue the cervix is not 100% closed and reduced to normal until then....
I am pretty ready for some dirty, raunchy, hard core sex myself...but my body hurts so bad (inside and out) that it just brings me no pleasure and makes him a nervous wreck...
Well, we are pretty freakin' happy you are around to blog about things too!
You look great. Seriously, I have more stomach than that when I am NOT pregnant!
6 weeks - it sounds like that pretty much got answered. The cervix still being dilated is the one thing I know to be aware of. Infection and stuff...
Get to feeling better!
The no sex rule is for a couple of reasons. The 2 most important are: Risk of infection, AND, try not to laugh ... but the risk of getting pregnant. IF you did get pg right away, it is dangerous for you being your uterus just went thru a trauma & did not have time to fully heal.
But, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do ...
Happy Humping!
Oh, & as far as the belly pix - You SUCK! < wink>
You look amazing!! Wow! It hardly looks like you just had a baby.
Karl is absolutely cute. I love the pic of daddy and son. :)
Ok all I have to say is DAMN WOMAN! You slim down fast!!
I can totally relate with your feelings with the "near death" I was that way with Trevor's pregnancy...(Story not many people have heard nor do I really want to re-surface because I just finally came to "terms" with) All I can say is it takes time for all of it to "heal."
Those belly photos are great...are you going to take the 8 months too? I figured you probably plan on it since you did it with the others but I'm jealous you were able to get Tom to take them. John seemed annoyed half the time when I asked him to take mine. LOL
Ohh the GOOD memories you will have looking back at those belly photos!
Shelly - believe me, tom was like john, annoyed to have to take them. But if I was going to go through all of the infertility treatments and carry the pregnancy, she can at least take the damned picture!
You look amazing!
Karl is absolutely beautiful. So precious...
Rock on for getting back on the horse so quickly!
You look amazing! I bet you get stopped in stores witn people saying you couldn't possibly have just delivered that newborn yourself. :) I lost the weight very quickly and it was kind-of a relief. I still remember lying in the bathtub the day after delivering and feeling my stomach and saying how disgusting I was. I never thought it'd go away! Amazing how the body bounces back.
As far as the PP sex goes, we only waited until I was done bleeding too. I think I was just under 3 weeks. I had 2 small tears (no stitches) so we went slow!
Three kids and still got it goin' on! Go Nancy, go Nancy! Yay! Karl is too cute! Keep the pics a-comin! ;) And I'm sure daddy is just beside himself with his little man. Enjoy!! As hard as the first few months are, that first year is so special and passes so fast (althought it doesn't seem like it in the middle of the night)...
You couldn't have had a homebirth anyway because you were high-risk so it's not like that was even an option.
Wow...on everything. I can't even begin to imagine how you felt going into surgery. Thankfully everything was okay. It's also kind of eerie and ironic that you blogged about home births and some of your points were true for you.
Oh my gosh! It is possible to hate how hot you look right now and still love you???
Man alive woman!
I waited about 4 weeks the last time and all my doctor wanted to know at 6 weeks was if I had and, if so, were there any problems. I think as long as you feel ready (and can find enough time for it!), you should be OK.
You look fantastic! My daughter is about 8 1/2 months old and I STILL don't look that good ;) As far as sex, everyone else has it covered. With my son, we did wait the full 6 weeks b/c I HURT from tearing and was scared. This time, we waited about 4 weeks. I didn't have any stitches this time and I felt SO good after having her, that I was thinking about sex that very night LOL Damn that bleeding! We just used condoms until I was able to get the IUD put in. He hated it, but knew it had to be done.
Damn Nancy - you are one hot momma! You look great!
Oh man, I was dying for sex after Matthew was born, but hubby insisted we wait until after my doc visit. Then I get there & she asks "so have you had sex yet?" ARGH!
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