note: I have tons of pictures, of course, but these were the crap ones from my cell phone.
~ O.M.G.! You all rule for sending me so many comments. I will read them soon, but I was so happy seeing people were reading!
~ Heart issue: MrsSpock, yes, you were right, I was tachy, but more than that. I have to get notes because my cardiologist was using insane words, but it was one of those "tach" words, but not just tachycardia. My pulse was beating 180-200 and also the reading of the EKG was nothing they've seen. I had to get a freaking holster monitor (lots of drama with this one) and had an echo cardiogram and about 5 visits with cardiac specialists. Things are being controlled and I have to follow up. They don't know what it was all caused by, but they don't think I'm going to straight up and die anytime soon from it. This is such a boring topic, so more (or less) later.
~ Blood loss issue - J, yes, you were right, it ended up being the placenta accreta again. (Def: Placenta accreta occurs when the placenta attaches itself too deeply into the wall of the uterus). Due to the Velamentous cord, he couldn't pull on the cord at all to deliver placenta. But due to accreta, he couldn't pull too hard anyway in case of severe bleeding. He tried to deliver it and even though ~I~ thought it was because it was getting too painful, it was because I started bleeding. 5 minutes later I was being put under general anaesthesia with a freaking breathing tube down my throat (fyi - that makes your throat sore and coughing after deliver sucks.)Last time w/ the accreta I almost died, so this was the first surgery I have ever had where I was genuinely scared of not waking up. Never seeing my baby. I signed a quick consent for a hysterectomy and off I went. I woke up later to the knowledge all was taken care of w/ D&C and I still have all my girlie parts. I just have almost 2 liters less of blood.
They didn't want to give me transfusion due to some risks with that and my hemoglobin was 7.8 (should be 14~ish). The next day (today) my hemoglobin was 6.6 and my crit was 19. So no more option of not getting blood and got a transfusion today, giving me a complete 1/3 of my blood supply back. I feel exhausted from the blood loss and will continue to feel it for 6-8 weeks. It's like I feel like I've been sleep deprived from having a newborn for a month. And it's only day 2.
~ Labor - Freaking epidural did NOT work again. After 2 placements w/ Ella, 4 placements w/ Allison and just one placement (and 6 boluses) w/ Karl, The anaesthesiologists determined I have scar tissue from my back injury screwing the with administration of the drug to my system, so I'm pretty much destined to "natural" feeling childbirths. Fuck. Labor and deliver hurts. I am NEVER doing that again. (~wink~)
But I had some mighty cool socks on:

~ Delivery - I was scared of pushing because of how much more it hurts. And being in control of your own pain (push!) goes against every cell in my brain, so I hate hate hate pushing. And I pussy out ("I can't do it!") everytime, even though I know I can. So I labored an extra hour after being complete (although didn't have huge urge to push, so I was able to hold off) which helped delivery turn into a 4-push delivery, resulting in a perfectly shaped baby head.
A few hours old:

A few more hours:

Middle to the night when I was on Magnesium and couldn't sleep:

~ Breastfeeding - Going great. My milk hasn't come in, but the ducts are starting to react,so I know my boob job didn't ruin anything. He latches like a champ already and I love it.
I couldn't be happier when doing this:

Alright, I'll come back and give some more details, but I was just dying not showing off pictures of him yet!
Love and kisses to each one of you!
He's adorable Nancy! Congratulations!! Glad you are home :)
Karl is just GORGEOUS! Thank you for the picture update. So glad you are better.
And that's nice to know you don't have to worry about labor and delivery ever again. ;)
I am so glad you are doing better and that you are home. Get some much deserved rest.
Karl is do adorable :-)
Thanks for taking the time to update us ... we were worried.
Rest and spend time with your new lil' guy, the girls and DH.
He is so damn cute! I love those chubby cheeks!
Hope you get feeling better soon.
Your boy is gorgeous. I'm glad that you are home. You are a champion. Now get some rest. We'll continue to love you.
I am so glad you are home (with all your bits & pieces too!) And I'm sorry you are so worn out already, but that little man is just beautiful! Look at his perfect little lips!
(your boob looks enormous in that shot by the way! I can't imagine when your mile comes in!)
I really am so glad to see this update &that you are all home safe & relatively sound. I hope you get to take it nice & easy for a good long while.
He is absolutely gorgeous! I'm glad to hear that you are home, and that you are doing better. Take some rest...well as much as you can, at least. :D
You're the hottest new mom on the block. Glad to hear that you're doing well. I was worried about ya'.
He is so precious, he is adorable.
I am glad you are doing better. What enormous boobies!
He is wonderful! Many, many congrats! Enjoy breastfeeding and snuggling with your new little bug.
BTW I am SO diggin' those Wicked Witch of the West socks...
OH, he's beautiful! You brought tears to my eyes of memories of our little man (who's 6 months old). Enjoy being home and allow yourself time to recover, and please post more pics soon.
Oh my scary!!! So glad you're home now. Karl is beyond precious, so glad BF is going well. *hugs*.
I go away for a few days-AND bammmm-look at all the drama that unfolds! I am so glad you and KArl are safe and at home now! He is beautiful!
OMG, I am still laughing from your socks. OMG. You are AWESOME!!! Kick ass.
Karl is gorgeous. He is so precious.!!! So, I can't tell, but he maybe looks more like Ella than Allie? What do you think?
I am so glad you're home--holy crap about the tachy and emergency surgery. Thank goodness you are never going to have to go through that again. can relax at home and raise your baby and girls in peace.
Lots of love! You are my hero--natural delivery woman times three!!!
So glad your feeling better and home,karl is so cute!.
nicole (webmd)
Congratulations Nancy, Karl is gorgeous!! Such a perfectly round little face! Feel better soon!
First, what a freakin' cute baby! Congratulations!
Second, I would have been in panic attack overdrive with all that going on if it had happened to me. You're a trooper.
He's so handsome! Glad you're back home. I hope you feel recover fully soon.
He's beautiful! I love those round little cheeks of his. Get some rest, your blogging fans will miss you but we understand.
Wow. Nancy I had a crazy weekend and was away from the computer so I didn't see you delivered. Karl is beautiful. Congrats and I am glad all the scary stuff is past!
Nancy, I can't type enough how happy I am that everyone turned out healthy in spite of the complications. Your little Karl is beautiful and appears no worse for your wear. Congratulations! I hope you get to rest at least a little but.
Peace & Joy, jessy :o)
Awww just adorable! So glad things turned out okay & cant wait to see more pics. Get some rest! Or try to anyway! hehe
Congrats!!! I'm so glad you're home. I was really worried. Although it sounds like a pretty rocky situation. Glad it's over. Hope the recovery is swift!!
Karl is super handsome and such a cute babe!!! YEAH!!! I bet you must be glad to see him. :o)
Lots of HUGS and KISSES.
I was reading but not commenting until you gave a photo - so so soooo cute!
Thank goodness! And here I sent out the calvary (aka - Mel) Ill call her off!
Glad you are home and that baby ...oooo that baby!
What a cutie! Sorry that your labor was so hard...but just look at those cheeks!
Feel better!
Oh Nancy, Karl is just gorgeous! Congrats Momma...You did good!
Although, unlike Ella & Allison, I have no idea who he looks like!
I'm so glad everything turned out okay for you...and that you are on the mend.
He is totally beautiful! I'm glad you're home and alive. :)
I was on WebMD PIN with you back when Ella was little (my DD is only a week or two younger than yours) and I stumbled across your blog way back and am a total lurker :) Anyway I couldn't NOT post my congratulations on your beautiful little boy! He is just gorgeous! And the nursing pic brought tears to my eyes...I'm expecting #3 in May and absolutely cannot wait to BF again. I completely understand why you say you couldn't be happier while nursing him :) Take care of yourself & Karl!
Congratulations Nancy! Karl is so adorable! Try to get some rest. You deserve it!
And on a lighter note: remind me NEVER to ask you your birth stories in detail again when we meet cause they will reduce me to that same series of panicked squeaks I mentioned again.
I am so relieved, and so thrilled to see Karl -- he is so adorable --and I thought newborns weren't supposed to be so adorable...
He is beautiful! I am glad to hear you are home! Your girls have to be excited to have a baby brother!!
His cheeks are sooo cute! Hope you get to feeling better soon!
So glad you are home! Karl is such a cutie. Look at those chubby cheeks! Hope you are able to rest a bit and recover some of your strength. Sounds like you had quite an ordeal. How are your girls doing with their little brother?
Love the socks :-)
I'm glad you are starting to feel a little better. Hopefully you will have a speedy recovery. I also really hope and pray that all of your heart problems are taken care of.
I love Karl's chubby little CUTE!!!
He is so dang cute! But he looks so different from the pics of your girls, but I guess that is a good thing since he is a boy.
Congrats! I'm glad everyone is okay. I think Carl resembles Allie!
Yay on the BFing! Do you still get the initial BFing pain the 2nd and 3rd time around? Just curious for whenever we get to that point.
I love the socks. Did you really deliver with them on? Too fun.
Get some Rest! Well as much as you can for a Mom with two girls and a newborn. I totally lectured a 2nd grader today who's Mom had a baby girl yesterday. I told her that she better help her Mom out and clean up her room and messes so her Mom can rest.
Glad all is well and you are safely home. He is cute. I think he looks like Ella (and you). I guess time will tell.
Glad to see you are home!
He's perfect! And SO cute!
Oh Nancy he is a doll! Im so glad that you and Karl are both ok. take it easy and get some rest girl. HUGS Aubrey
Those socks totally scream Christmas lmao
He's adorable! I'm glad you are both home safe and sound.
OMG I love him he's so freakin CUTE! My first thought - he looks like momma. Of course I see a lot more of your face than your hubby's but I stick by my statement.
Glad you are home. Can't believe you're already blogging although I'm glad because we get to see Karl YAY! Now go rest already!! Before your husband bans you from the computer/blogger. :) I guess he just doesn't understand the responsibilites that go along with being a blog rock-star. Hehe. ;)
So cute! I think the third picture looks just like Ally. Can't wit to see more!
I am glad to hear that you are well and at home. The only other thing I can say is that he is beautiful!
Congratulations Nancy, I'm so glad your home safe and doing well considering all that you went through, you are a strong woman.
He is absolutely perfect.
I'm so glad to hear you can nurse him - I'm still so scared, (especially of how huge my boobs will be), but knowing the milk is still coming in gives me hope mine will work too. I'd hate to miss out on one of the best parts of being a mom.
Cant wait to see more pic's, but get your rest and enjoy your sweet newborn =D
Nancy, He's perfect!! Great job!
Take it easy, and try to eat alot of red meat and cereals for your iron helps with the anemia! I lost alot of blood with my first, due to bleeeding from an emergency c-section before the pitocin was completely out of my system. I teetered on the edge of needing blood, but my doc didn't want to transfuse me, so I had a super-low count.
Anyway, you'll be feleing better soon. Thinking of you!
Nancy he is beautiful!! He looks so different from your other 2! I hope you start to feel better soon.
What a good looking boy!
Those socks are freakin' fantastic!
Supraventricular tachycardia, mayhaps?
Thank goodness you got to keep all your lady bits! How scary!!
He's so cute! Glad you're home. Get some rest.
i'm so happy you're home!!! i was so worried about you!!!
he's absolutely precious!
He is perfect! Thank you so much for the update!! I am so glad you are home!!!
I'm sooo glad you're doing better! And you know, he even looks like a Karl! Absolutely adorble, too. Try to rest (yeah, right) and feel better. Nice socks!!!
He is beautiful. That is one fine head. Great job!
And I Love love LOVE the socks! I have to get some cute socks to labor in.
I am so glad you're home and safe.
You are making me think thrice about the epidural, btw.
OMG, he is so cute and squishy looking! Congratulations again, you did so well and you should be proud.
Hope you get some much needed rest. Karl is such a beautiful baby.
He is just gorgeous! I am so glad you are home - and glad that you got some blood back in you!
Good job, momma!
YEAH!!! He is beautiful. I am so glad you are both ok. Congrats again lady!!! I am so happy for you!
(ps I love the socks!)
I just signed on to webmd for the first time in a week and read your blog and your whole story. Congrats on one of the most eventful birth stories I have ever read and thank goodness you are doing okay. Did they say you had a "tachyarrhythmia" or supraventricular tachycardia? I'm sure you will be OK and I will keep my fingers crossed. Karl is so gorgeous and glad you are doing well. I hope you get to sleep and feel less tired.
what a cutie! I'm glad you're back home and doing well :)
I feel like a proud Auntie!
He's beautiful I'm sure all 59 people before me said the same thing.
Loving the sox.
Karl is perfect! Hope you get some rest! Congratulations!!
Congratulations...he's adorable! Though I'm sure none of us had any doubts about that, considering how gorgeous your girls are. I'm glad you're home safe and sound, and now you can focus on recovering and enjoying your awesome family.
It's going to be SO much fun to see the pictures as he grows! :)
Wow! Almost missed the whole thing. Was going to call you today to wish you good luck at the hospital on Wednesday!
Congrats to you and Tom! Welcome to beautiful little Karl!
Nancy! He is GORGEOUS! I cannot believe all you've been through in the last few days... Glad you're home and while I know it is eternally optimistic to say with few days old baby try and get as much rest as you can. Dealing with blood loss exhaustion is horrible (I know I've been there not from L&D obviously but from a can you believe it nose bleed!)
HUGS and Congrats to the new addition of the family!
Oh he is just divine. Those cheeks!!!
There are risks to Tx of blood but when you've only got half the haemoglobin you should have I think it's a no brainer,
Congrats Nancy!! He is absolutely adorable!! BTW, was it SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) that you had? From the sounds of it and how fast your heart was going, that's probably what it was. I'm a cardiac nurse, so I'm always intrigued when it comes to the heart, lol. I'm such a nerd, I know! Sorry to hear you had to have a blood transfusion and surgery. It'll definitely take you some time to get back on your feet. Just take it easy and recruit lots of help if you can.
Glad to hear you are both okay! He's handsome!
Thanks for posting pictures. He is adorable!! I'm sorry you had such difficulties, during and after. Hopefully now things will only get better. I know from experience that blood transfusions will drain you. Sending you energy vibes.
Oh Nancy! He's gorgeous!
Many congrats to you & your family!
Glad you're home. He's ADORABLE!
Thanks for the update.
welcome home and congratulations!
Glad you are back! He's a cutie!
YAY Nancy. What a beautiful boy!!! I'm SO glad you are scary. You guys have been in my thoughts and payers. What do the girls think about their brother?
hes too precious! I think he resembles your youngest
YOU are MY American IDOL!!!!!!!
He is beautiful! Congratulations. So glad to hear y'all are safe and well at home. Sorry for all you went through.
Do tell - did you keep the socks?
Awww! So CUTE!!
Glad to hear you are doing better :)
He is beautiful Nancy!
He is gorgeous! So glad you are doing better.
Glad you made it through - and once again Karl is amazing - and so are you!
He's fantastically adorable. Congratulations on (1) KARL! and (2) making it home so soon after all the problems! Next post - have the girls met him yet?
I am so glad everything turned out well. Your little boy is adorable!
Aww he's gorgous!! or should I say he's HANDSOME!!
Glad you are home but so sorry you had such a rough time :( That really sucks!!
Ohhh by the way..I have socks just like that and I was wearing them when I was hospitalized on Christmas...the doctor said he was half expecting them to have toes in them....ever see those? Or do you have a pair??? lol sorry just some of my randomness. LOL
Yeah! So glad to hear you are home and safe and feeling better. Karl is such a cutie!!!! You must be so relieved to have him safe in your arms. Get some rest! Congrats!
Glad you are home and feeling better — and congrats on your beautiful boy. Welcome to the world Karl!
Congratulations Nancy and welcome home to you and Baby Karl :)
So happy that your doing better and I will continue to wish you a speedy recovery ! I love the pictures,he is adorable !!!!!
He is adorable Nancy, congrats!
Natural're a beast! He is adorable and I love the socks.
So glad both you and Karl and safe and sound although it sounds like it was quite the adventure. He is really lovely. Best wishes to you both!
Holy fuck, Nancy! That's a hell of a labor and delivery. I'm almost glad I missed the whole thing as it happened in real time - I would have been a nervous wreck!
Congratulations and I am soooo happy to hear you are doing well! Karl is beautiful.
Much love to you!
SO handsome!!! Congrats to you.
CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful little boy!!!!
I'm so sorry I'm so late on congratulating you. No excuses. He is absolutely beautiful. I'm so sorry that it ended up being so traumatic and near-death for you. I'm so very happy that you pulled through!!!
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