Please no pinching. I can't wake up from my insurance/finance fantasy dream.
First off, I actually have freaking IVF insurance with no lifetime maximum and a $2500 max out of pocket. Secondly, there isn't a long drawn out pre-auth, so I already have approval. Thirdly, clinic just told me I "most likely" qualify for a lining study during my IVF, which means I have to have additional ultrasounds early on and they'll PAY me $1,000.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Seriously. Where's the catch?
Thanks universe. Really. Thanks. You could of waited a couple of hours before unplugging my dream. To tell me my husband will be out of town (no chance of rescheduling. It's a work thing that is already scheduled. If he doesn't go, he won't have a job) on the 2 days right after 'tentative' egg retrieval and if I take 2 days longer than expected, I'll have ~zero~ sperm for inseminating any eggs I may end up getting - that's rich. Real rich.
There's nothing sweeter than awesome insurance (it's getting harder and harder to come by these days). That's great news!
That is AMAZING! I am so happy for you - and hey are going to pay you to do a study? Wow. Wow.
(Good thing I like you - otherwise I might have to single white female you for your insurance. Geesh.)(I'm kidding about that by the way. I am not quite that creepy.)
All I can say is that it is about damn time somebody starting paying you for all those visits with the wandmonkey! I'm really glad something at least is going your way.
Your good news is a beacon in a sea of crap.
OMG, I HATE TIMING like that! I was all excited for you, then saw the husband thing - no stress at all eh??
Great news about the insurance and lining study.
Sorry about the "pinch" of your DH being out of town. Is it possible for him to give his sample and freeze it for use while he is gone?
Can your hubby do a frozen sample just in case you'd need it while he's away? The clinic I went to offered that just in case the men couldn't perform on the day. Just a thought? Hope it works out, Kristen
Can hubby make a pre-deposit and freeze it if necessary? A friend of mine ended up doing that once...
As far as the insurance goes- I am drooling with envy! FANtastic insurance!
Ack about that timing! However,I really think it is going to work out....truly, honestly, I do. Your luck is going too well right now for it NOT to. Plus if all else your eggs like popsicles? =P
No lifetime limit? Oh my gosh, I want that insurance. What company do you or your husband work for? Are they hiring? ha ha. Oh and with your husband being out of town, can they freeze his sperm a few days a head of time?
Congrats with the insurance! I know what a big deal it is to have it!!
As for DH being out of town- maybe you can freeze some of his swimmers?!? I don't even know if they can use frozen ones for IVF- but it is worth asking...
No worries, RE said that some couples choose to freeze some of DH's sperm to use for ICSI later on ~just in case~.
Also, way to score some cash. It's SWEET that you'll get a little bit of your investment back. O/T: will you have to pay taxes on that? sorry, just curious.
Go with deep freeze sperm if possible. It's just too good news to miss. I can't believe your insurance will pay . FANTASTIC.
Getting paid for baby making!?! I want your world! :)
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