Here is the reason for the enormous weight gain though:

Check out them "ankles"! I have to put the word in quotes because I think they are my ankles, they just look nothing like what ankles should look like. I usually have these things called bones sticking out the sides, but they have gone missing. And check out those fat rolls on the tops! I literally have creases from the rolls - and I haven't been wearing socks - only slip on shoes all day. My toes are starting to swell too - soon they'll look like little snasauges if it continues!
oooo - I should submit my picture to a foot fetish website, eh? They are so hot.
~ My weight as of last week (35w) was +11 lbs from bfp, adding the 12 lbs from ivf/fet = 23 lbs total.
~ My weight as of this week (36w) is +19 lbs from bfp, adding the 12 lbs from ivf/fet = 31 lbs total!!
Rad. I can't tell you how hyped I am! So. My blood pressure is still up at 135/82. Top is lower and bottom is higher, but we're still in "not too bad" range. Due to the swelling and headaches, I have to get PIH blood work (pregnancy induced hypertension) tomorrow and hold onto your hats girls, I get to do a 24 hour urine collection! Woohoo!!! My results will be in by the weekend or shortly thereafter, depending on when I can turn it in, and we'll deal with the results then or at my next appointment. Until then, I am supposed to rest as much as I can, try to keep my feet up - especially when really swollen, stay away from salty food (bye bye sunflower seeds!) and increase my water intake to at least 100 oz/day. I made my appointment a few days late for next wednesday (I hate having monday appointments) so I hope to have somewhat of a control on the water retention by then.
Everything else was good. Heartbeat was a little tricky to get because Karl was moving around so much, making us laugh. I often wonder how much the docs have to fake laughing along with the mothers - because this stuff must happen all the time. Squirmy babies just can't be funny to them after 25 years.
Tomorrow is blood work. Wednesday is NST/BPP #14 which will also be ultrasound #24. Wow. I have seen this little boy more than I've seen my boss in the past 12 years. After the u/s, we're off to Denver for New Year's Eve to see Flogging Molly play at The Fillmore and to stay in our hip fancy hotel - The Hyatt Regency. (fyi - priceline totally works. I bid on a 4 star hotel and got it $100 cheaper than the hotel itself quoted me on the phone.)
Time to go rest my ankles. Bah. Who am I kidding? Time to go clean the kids' room.
It's 2:58am and I just got done with the kids' room. I posted about it and put up pictures on the other blog (listed in my profile).
Whoa, that's a lot of fluid. Hope the bloodwork comes back clean. It would suck to have to miss Flogging Molly because of PIH.
So I took a picture of my swollen feet and ankles (cankles) today...was going to post about them..but that is just WAY too frigin creepy now that you did. So just let it be known....I have sausage toes and cankles the past 3'll just have to take my word for it at this point.
LOLNancy...sorry about the swelling. With #1, after the C-section I swelled so much that my toes looked like sausages and it freaked me out. My legs were so fluid-filled and heavy I couldn't move them off the bed by myself. Bizzare!
Hope you can ujp the H2O and get it down some.
I am so jealous. I LOVE flogging molly. It makes me do the jig. I took my oldest son to hear bon jovi in utero.
I wonder if that's why he has hearing problems now?
Wow - that's a lot of swelling Nancy. I know you probably won't sit in one place with your feet up, but if you do, it will help! :-)
Good luck with all your appointments!
Nice ankles - very sexy! LOL
Have fun with the 24 hour collection - that is always so fun. I had to do one a few weeks ago and there is nothing like having a pee jug in your fridge!
Hey, get those feet up, missy!
I love the new Hyatt. They have a great bar near the top of the hotel with floor to ceiling windows that has great views of the city and the mountains.
Sorry about the swelling! I hope it abates and that you don't end up with PIH.
I am a BIG believer in Priceline for hotels and rental cars -- I have gotten some amazing deals that way. Have fun on NYE!
ugg - cankles. got those with DS#2 (thanks dude). You can appreciate this though - since one of my tattoos goes all the way around my left ankle, yep, you guessed it - it also swelled and got bigger as my feet and ankles got bigger. weird, huh? good news is that for me anyway since i had so much water weight, it dropped alot faster than DS#1's weight, yay! (i think)....hope they aren't hurting you too much sweetie. love the latest belly pics too - not too much longer!
That looks painful! Take care of your self.
Shawn would be SO jealous you guys are seeing Flogging Molly. Oh and we are now considering moving to Ft. Collins. We want to be in CO.
My ankles looked like that from about 30 weeks. Really. And I only found the bones about a week after I delivered.
I have heard it's not good to cut out salt - that you should eat a normal amount and not avoid it. I don't remember exactly why.
24-hour-urine collection sounds fun (NOT). Is that really necessary? Can't they just give you a few peesticks so you can check your protein once in a while?
Oh lady- your poor squishy ankles! (Honestly- they don't look as bad as my coworkers did- she lost hers completely at 30 weeks & could ~only~ wear giant flip-flops for the last 4 weeks or so. She really did have sausages) I hope your water & relaxation therapy works- if only you actually did it! Cleaning until 3am! Come on woman! ;o)
Seriously- I hope wednesday is a great appointment- you see your ankles again & you get to actually relax! (Are you sitting at any point for Flagging Molly?) Have a wonderful New Year's either way!
Wow - that is alot of fluid! But - keeping it still look freakin' amazing for nearly 38 weeks!!!!
(this is coming from someone who gained HEAD to TOE!)
xoxo HAVEFUN!!
That brings back memories from a few months ago. I remember freaking out every time I went to the doctor by how much weight I had gained and in the end it was almost all water. Looking back at pictures from those last few weeks I was so sadly puffy.
oh the cankles!! What I hate is teh fluid causing odd and new creases on where your ankles SHOULD be.
The only thing that helped was a $30 pedicure where I basically paid a woman to aggressively rub my feet. mmmmmm. Actually it hurt like a mofo- but it helped with swelling for like 2 weeks!
Good lordy! My mom had swelling like that too with her pregnancies. She's tiny like you--her regular weight is 110 and she got up to 190 with #5! The good thing is, when she left the hospital all the swelling was gone.
I hope everything goes well for you! Have fun at your concert--I feel out of the loop because I don't know anything from Flogging Molly.
Glad your bp is staying under control. Ouch for the ankles. Resting up more would probably help. I hope you have fun at the concert.
:( your poor ankles and feet! boo hoo!
When I first saw the pic, I thought you meant that your nifty nail polish was the culprit. Excuse me, I'm a little slow this morning...
Dang- I dont think you got my text yesterday, I was asking if you were going to take pictures of your feet (Yay! you did) but that means you didnt get my text today.
I need to re-check my number.
Wow lots of! My feet were disgustingly swollen. I normally have bony feet (regardless of how big the rest of me is) and they were HUGE. I couldn't wear my normal shoes for the last 2.5 months. I wore these ugly "dress" shoes that had "laces" up the front and I'd loosen them...a lot. I wore those shoes to work every day...I hate them.
Hmmm, I bet Home Depot sells something to drain the fluid in your feet. They're good like that.
Happy new year's:-)
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