Look at this bow holder I just got!!!
I purchased it from Bambina Ballerina, which is a the home business of a friend of mine.
She makes these beautiful bow holders, which not only do I desperately need, but I just ~love~ so much. See, Ella's hair is out of control. I want it to be long and all one length, so I need to hold the front of her hair back. I do this using barrettes and bows. For everyday going to school things, I use those cheapo plastic barrettes, but for everything else, I've been buying really cute hair bows. I obviously want to keep the nice ones organized, but I also need a place for the cheapos too. No matter how cheap something is, it adds up when you have to keep buying them.
Well, this product is it. You just clip on the barrettes/bows on the ribbons and voila! Organization.
The girls just love it too. But then again, what little girl ~wouldn't~ want a complete ballerina outfit hanging in their room/bathroom? And what mother wouldn't want to organize these little things that are used every day? Last thing I need is another basket full of stuff.
And yes, I know the woman who makes these. But I'm totally ~not~ trying to kiss ass here. First of all, when have any of you seen me kiss ass? (it's kind of funny too, because me and this woman haven't always gotten along. We do now and I totally respect her and she IS my friend, but it's a little humorous side note). Secondly, I'm not trying to "sell" this to any of you. I ~am~ recommending this, totally, because I love it to death. But I surely don't get diddly for telling you about this, but you will get diddly out of this because if you have a girl, if you are having a girl or you have a girl in the future, this is something you ~need~ to know about!
Okay, back to the previously scheduled IF crying/whining. I never gush over products, but this one thrilled me more than the average "thing". Which reminds me, I got the most beautiful gift from my friend and ttc buddy, Jewels. She sent me an entire gift package of ttc gifts/talismans, which I want to take the time to blog about. I would talk about them right here, but it needs to be its own post, definitely. I've been meaning to tell you all about it for awhile now and I kick myself in the ass for not doing it yet, but I will soon.
very cute.
When I was growing up, a friend of mine had a head with lots of yarn braids that she kept her haird stuff on, but this one is way cuter.
what a cute idea! i had long hair as a child and I just loved being all frilly and girlie. I added you. I did not leave you out on purpose. I wish there was an export/import button on bloglines that did all that updating for you!
aww, cool nancy! Thanks for the little plug, that was so sweet.
That is really cute! I'll have to save the link for when Scarlett has hair :)
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