Okay, hold on to your math hats. I'm a mathlete.
When wondering how long hCG stays in your system, many go by the average of "1,000 UIs/day". Since I am a poas-aholic, I know that after a trigger of 10,000 UIs, I am usually getting stark white bfns by 7-8dpo. Let's say 8dpo for the math factor. That means ~my~ body processes about 1,250 units per day.
This cycle I had:
7,500 IUs 9 days ago, on ovulation day.
1,250 IUs 4 days ago, at 5dpo
1,250 IUs 2 days ago, at 7dpo.
Before my 3rd trigger on 7dpo, 2 days after last trigger and 7 days after 1st trigger, I POAS. It was BFN. Nada. Stark White.
That means in 7 days, 7,500IUs was processed (makes sense) and in 2 days, another 1,250 was processed (again, makes sense).
Okay, we good so far? I have verified that trigger is gone.
I give myself trigger #3. About 12 hours later (that night), I POAS and get a BFP. This was Sunday night. Makes sense. I'm still within processing time.
Of course I want to check to see when it's gone, so 24 hours later (36 hours after last trigger), Monday night, I POAS again after holding urine for 3 hours or so. It's a ~faint~ bfp. Okay, so this one is taking a little longer to get out. Okay. Fine.
9dpo. This morning, I poas using fmu, which has only been held for about 3 hours, due to I had to pee in the midst of the morning. It's a bfp again. But darker. ~argh~ !!! WTF? Seriously?
Which leads me to have to make some conclusions. It could definitely still be the last trigger. Maybe this one is taking more than a day to process. I'm at the 2 day mark and still getting a bfp. It could happen. And maybe this morning's darker bfp was just because it was more concentrated than last nights. Yeah, I did pee, but I didn't drink anything else, so still, it was from liquid all night.
It all makes sense that it's still the trigger. And plus, I'm ~only~ 9dpo. Sure, my
chart went triphasic 2 days ago. If I am, ~cough~cough~, pregnant, implantation would have already happened on 6dpo. Which is early but not impossible. So it's possible to get a bfp already. But I AM taking progesterone supplements, so that could attest for the higher temps. But I started taking the supps on the morning of 3dpo. Why would it wait 3 days to make my temps higher?
SEE. My insanity. I wish I wasn't smart enough to think about all the possibilities. I wish I could blindly wait until 14dpo to test. I wish I knew that yes, it could be a possible real bfp. I wish I knew that no, it could definitely still be from the synthetic hcg I was injecting in my ass.
I know WAY too much and I don't know nearly enough.
So I wait. If it gets darker ~again~, then it's real. If it fades, it's not (but it's still early!) <--- gotta keep some hope, right?