Tuesday, March 18, 2008

E2 levels are low.

Looks like my E2 levels are a little low. 71.2 when they want to see over 100 after 3 days of stimulation.

But, I'm not really on 'day 3' of stims. Really, I've only completed 2 full days of stims. It's because they started my stims at night, so only menopur was taken on the first "day". The end of my "day" is really in the morning, after I've taken the follistim injection too. Before this morning's draw, I had only completed 2 injections of menopur and 2 injections of follistim, the last dose of follistim being only 20 minutes before blood draw. Since it hasn't really been "3 days" of stims, my RE has decided to leave me on the same dosage until Thursday. He thinks it'll pick up by then, but if it doesn't, we'll be increasing dosage at that point.

It's early in the game, so I'm not too worried. Yeah, it does put some thoughts in my head - if there are "issues" this early, I'm less likely to go through the rest as textbook. All I can do is wait. Which as anyone ttc knows, sucks assholes.


Jamie said...

Hee-hee . . . that made me laugh. But it is so true!! TTC just sucks assholes. I have just found my catch phrase for the week.

Barb said...

Just checking in. Good luck!

Nico said...

It definitely does suck assholes. Big time. In my four injectible cycles (which I know are different from IVF, but I think this part may translate), my e2 often didn't go up for a good 7-10 days after I started the injections. But it DID go up after that, and I ended up with some nice mature follicles. What I'm trying to say is that I think you're totally right in not worrying about this right now. I do hope that it's up a bit higher when you go in on Thurs though!!!

Natalie said...

I don't know much about levels but I'm still hopeful for you as it's early. Not saying all will be lovely, just that I'm hopeful, cuz I don't trust lovely.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

It sucks assholes hardcore. Pulling for you, Fancy Nancy.

Denise said...

Sucks stinky monkey assholes. In my experience, there is no such thing as a textbook IVF cycle. Or maybe I just don't like to do things by the book.

Why is it that everything is funnier with the word "monkey" added in?

~Carrie said...

From what I understand (basing this on what my RE said) E2 levels can take a sudden jump with just a little additional stimulation. E2 can also suddenly take off, even with the same level of stimulation. That's probably why he left you on the same level, since he doesn't want to overstimulate. I wouldn't consider a slightly low E2 at 2.5 days of stims an issue yet. (hopefully!)
And yeah, waiting just sucks and blows!

Anonymous said...

Mine were at 131 after three full days of Menopur and Follistim, so although I'm not a doctor, your numbers don't seem bad and I'm confident they will shoot up after another day or two!

Jen said...

Ok, you bitch at me for putting crazy poopy sandwich mental images in your head and you then write sucks assholes? I'm thinking I prefer the poopy sandwich imagery...

And I will try and tell you not to worry about the numbers game of TTC but we all know how difficult that is!

Swim said...

it's tough not to get caught up in the numbers game during an IVF cycle. it's still early and you have only been stimming for 2 full days.

best of luck.