Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh no.

FET next month isn't something that's a for sure. I shouldn't say a FET, because it would still be determined on my lining, but even the CHANCE is not a for sure.

Many things depend on me being ready next month. It's not all just if I get AF on time. Things like my ovaries have to shrink back down to size. My Estrogen levels have to be back down. My lining has to shed (the AF part). Lots of things out of my control depend on me getting a chance or not.

IF I don't have all those things happen by the timing for the April 23rd-May 8th cycle, I'll have to wait until June 2nd. June 2nd. That is almost 10 weeks away. (and if anyone tells me 10 weeks isn't a long time, I will hunt you down and punch you in the face.)

My heart just turned inside out. My nurse just told me it's only a 40% chance I'll get to do my FET next month.

I can't take this. I just can't.


Io said...

I do not want you to hunt me down and punch me in the face, so I will say that 10 weeks sucks. It does too. I hope you are able to go directly into FET.

Wordgirl said...

I keep staring at the screen willing the right words to come.

I'm just so sorry Nancy. It's incredibly unfair.

It sucks.

Jen said...

Ten weeks seems a lifetime away... Uggh. I am so sorry. This sucks rocks.

Katherine said...

I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and that I posted something more to you on ITSG. I'm rooting for you for next month.

Morgan Owens said...

:( (((Big Hug))

Heather said...

I wish I had some words of wisdom for you.
All I can say is it that this sucks...

Beth said...

I am so sorry Nancy. That is kind of how I am feeling lately. I just don't know if I will get to do my IUI next month, and if not that makes 3 months of waiting. Way too long. I am sorry for the anxiety the waiting brings. I will keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

10 weeks?! ppshaw.... hell yes, that sucks! I wish to God things were different...

Anonymous said...


jenn said...

fuck. I want to will that 40% to apply to you. All the karma I have built up & am trying to build I am sending your way- because this shit has got to fucking stop. It just sucks Nancy.

10 weeks sucks big hairy monkey....

Nadine said...

Yes 10 weeks does totally absolutely suck.
My clinic insisted on having at least one natural cycle before starting FET, but i'm taking 2 cycles.

still holding on hope that you can transfer

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Oh, Nancy. I'm so sorry you keep getting the news you don't want.

Abiding with you...

Denise said...

Nancy, you are so right in acknowledging the suckiness. But I am glad that you are aware of the chances and pitfalls. If it makes you feel any better, with my freeze all cycle, I got my period about a week after the retrieval (maybe a day or two longer), my E2 levels were fine, and I was back to normal.

But you are right about all of the things that can go wrong. That next cycle (our first attempt at FET) they found an "irregularity" in my lining which resulted in a cancelled cycle and a D&C (and more waiting). I was devastated because I was really given the impression that we could go forward very quickly. Of course, they couldn't predict the irregularity. But it is good that you know the facts. Even if the facts suck.

I'm sorry, none of that probably made you feel any better. Just know that I've been there and I'm sorry that you are there now. Be good to yourself.