Friday, September 19, 2008


Simple math at that.

This is for anyone who is pregnant now or who will be pregnant in the future (which, in my opinion, should be all of you!)

This has been one of my biggest pet peeves.

4 weeks DOES NOT EQUAL 1 month.

Well, it does 1/16th of the time. As on a non-leap year February, happening 3 times every 48 months, 4 weeks does equal 1 month.

But 1/16th if far from 100%. Actually, it's not right 93.75% of the time.

So why, WHY do people continuously think "Hey, I'm 24 weeks, that means I'm 6 months!

No, no, no. If we want to be technical, and come on, math ~is~ pretty technical, 24 weeks is 5.54 months. Which can be broken down to 5m16.425d. Oh yeah, I'm going there.

I just don't understand where people think "4 weeks = 1 month". It just doesn't. And my math head doesn't want to compute it. Not in the least.


Sara said...

Yeah, I agree. I can't stand it when I ask someone how far along they are and they tell me months. That doesn't help me at all!

I am a "weeks" person, myself!

Mareike said...

I am especially sensitive to this issue because I have to get my rheumatoid arthritis medication which I inject once a week. Insurance companies only allow for purchasing once a month so I have to extend each week by a day in order to inject in a reasonably timely manner. Paychecks work in the same way. If you get paid every two weeks, you actually get paid every two weeks. If you get paid twice a month, well, you lose a paycheck.

Samantha said...

I agree... this drives me ABSOLUTELY crazy... especially when someone asks "if I am 24 weeks how many months does that make me" and someone replies with "well there are 4 weeks in a month" like the OP is stupid and "should have known that"... Im like HELLO 4 weeks = 28 days... what happened to the 29th, 30th, and sometimes 31st? It annoys me so much that I have just stopped trying to correct them.

Anonymous said...

I like to know things by weeks, but in my blog organizing I am totally guilty of clumping four weeks into a month. As in everything written from this week (12) through the end of week 16 I will label Month 4. But I think that has more to being blog lazy than a crappy math person (which I also am...)

Simply AnonyMom said...

While I am not now pregnant, and will not be in the future, I was pregnant twice. I found it easiest to say I am 24 weeks and when they got that look on their face like WTF does that mean I would say "about 5.5 months along".

Just like when the babies were getting older, I would say they like 20 months and get the same stupid look so I would say just over 1 1/2.

I think people expect everything to be dumbed down. It is very annoying.

IdleMindOfBeth said...

OMG I couldn't agree more! And its not just in pregnancy!

When I was on bcp (7 looooooooooooong years!) My dr would only write 1 Rx w/ 11 refills a year (4 x 12 = 48 weeks, no?). AND she wouldn't renew the Rx without an annual Pap (not a bad policy). BUT, my insurance would only cover 1 Pap a (calendar)year. It took a LONG time to make them unnderstand that if I had my Pap appt in Jan, I'd need another in Dec, and insurance wasn't going to cover it. I had to beg, plead, and actually SHOW THEM THE MATH to squeak an extra freaking "month" of pills out of her.


Anonymous said...

This drove me batty on pregnancy boards and when I took the time to explain it, I got the online equivalent to a blank stare.

I quit trying to correct.

But, really, how hard is it just to count months from the date of your LMP?

Not in the Water said...


Anonymous said...

My biggest pet peeve was when you found out you were pregnant you were approx 4 weeks pregnant when in reality you had only conceived about 2 weeks ago.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you come back. Love your mind.

Peeveme said...

Hey Nancy,

I'm just so glad you are doing well. And yes, I count by weeks and try to convert to months or folks a who cant do the math.

ssbean said...

I think it's more common sense, or it should be anyway. I'm a week person too. And when people on the boards are confused, well, I understand those "online" blank stares. There was one other person that I can remember that had it down and understood it and tried to explain it to some of the others. It was a loosing battle though.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I totally hate that too.

Truck Driver Wife said...

I'm jealous you actually look pregnant. I look fat

Antigone said...

I just tell people to divide by 4.3 - It's close enough but they still look confounded.

Geohde said...

Ah, but it does if you mean lunar months!

Which is okay, as long as everyone speaks in lunar months and not cal. ones :)


Jenera said...

It's always bugged me too. I just tend to refer to what month of pregnancy I'm in. Right now I'm 28 weeks so that puts in about the end of the 6th, beginning of the 7th month. I tend to just say how many weeks though if someone asks me. Unless I'm trying to gain sympathy, lol.

Jamie said...

You are right - math IS technical!!

Some people just don't get it. Geez.

Mrs.Joyner said...

Im sorry...I didn't mean to make any of the 30's sound old, because it's really not, Im just dumb and anal like that. I apologize if I offended you or anything..I know its not old..and God now Im rambling..Im done..LOL

jenn said...

Ha ha! I always say weeks- I honestsly I can't seem to do the quick math on the spot to figure out the months- but everyone I've told/has asked so far figures in weeks too. so that works just fine for me...

Ali said...

I can't stand it when a certain family member and I are discussing teenage pregnancy and she says, "Well, if they had the baby at 17 then that means they got pregnant at 16." Not true all the time, because that would mean some people were pregnant for 13 months. It is possible to squeeze all that in one birthday calendar year. Do the math!

Denise said...

This is why I hate when people ask how far along I am. It is much easier to just tell people how many weeks, but then they get all confused and ask how many months that is. I may be an accountant, but I don't do math in my head. At all. It's a problem, really.

JW Moxie said...

I'm definitely a weeks person.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, this drives me nuts. I've had people try to tell me that pregnancy actually lasts for 10 months because it's 40 weeks.

Here from ICLW but felt compelled to comment on an older post.

Io said...

I'm guessing people are afflicted with the lazy. It's so much easier to just think 4w=1m.

Anonymous said...

Once I get there I'm going to be a weeks person not cos I love math but because it makes more sense to me that way...

Heather said...

This drives me freaking crazy... and what is even more annoying is that people just don't get it. They insist that pregnancy is 10 months long. They insist that 4 weeks equals a month "because that is what all my pregnancy books say". Ok then, are you going to start using a lunar calendar in your day to day life?

I too have just given up trying to explain it.