Friday, November 21, 2008


updated: sorry if your feeds/readers got this as a "new" post. I had to update something mid-way through, marked with an asterisk.

Isn't it funny how 100 people can read the same thing and ~1~ person takes it completely and totally out of context? heh.

~ when I was explaining the "boards" - I was explaining them from MY perspective and how I felt. When I said "officially bitter", I meant ME. Apparently anon is VERY upset I called her bitter, but I was really simply calling ME bitter and the feeling in general.

~ I was called an "IF basher". That's fucking awesome because it's like the absolute furthest thing from what I am. Why not call me a man while your at it because that's the opposite of what I am too.

~ I was told "chemical pregnancies and early miscarriages should count"! Um, yes? I think they should too, when did I say they shouldn't be? I was posting about how too many doctors diagnose based solely on a heavy period without even looking at situation . When did I ever say these horrific evens shouldn't "count"? Let's just start making some stuff up, why don't we?

~ Anon is "never coming here again!". Awww, I'm so fucking bummed out. Someone who just makes shit up, reads things out of context and who resorts to name calling isn't going to be reading me anymore. Damn, I'm ~so~ sad. Can you all please send me good vibes for the overwhelming loss I'll be feeling today? I'd really appreciate it. (~wink~)

Ahhhh, it's a good day. When I'm able to really make people think and disagree with me, it means I'm doing my "job" here. Anonymous freak outs aren't really what I'm going for, as I'd rather have someone leave their name and approach their disagreements like an adult so we can actually have a discussion. But it IS the public internet out here, I can't make people take an IQ test before displaying my blog to them. Or can I? That'd be awesome. But then again, how boring to only get grown up opinions and disagreements passed to me. I kind of like the mudslinging, I was really good at dodge ball when I was little (except I don't like throwing it back).

In case anyone is interested in Anon, here's her *bashing blog post about me. Isn't it AWESOME? Her comments are cool too - she thinks I should be totally okay with her telling un-truths about what I have said and her calling me names (i'm sorry, but name calling, to me, it the funniest thing ever. ~So~ elementary school.) and I need to stay off her comments! But she can totally leave ME comments, calling me "BITCH!" and the like. I think we need to send her a dictionary with the words "hypocrite" and "ironic" circled. It may help.

* She removed her post and replaced it with "your a bitch and you can blow me." Should someone maybe tell her that it should be "You're a bitch"? I mean, if she's going to reduce herself to simply calling names and not stand up for any of the idiocracy she first typed, at least it should be grammatically correct, right?

~ She's upset I didn't reply to her, but I really try not to post on the ttc board. And she posted way after all the supposed "drama" was over and posted about a terrible late term loss in the same post as when she replied to me. I thought it really innappropriate for me to leave a comment in that string. But then again, she totally obviously hates me, so why would she care if I responded to a fake apology?

~ The "drama" wasn't actually drama. There was a message posted about a "graduate" who hurt some girl's feelings and I went to say I hoped it wasn't me because it would have been unintentional. I hoped it wasn't from my blog and it wasn't. And then she posts about "drama!" when it's all her doing? I'm simply responding to someone bashing me.

~ She said her board is not bitter. Back to what I said above. I was bitter when I hit 12 months as most girls would say they were too at that mark. And then she goes on to explain why they should be bitter. Which doesn't really make sense since she is simply discounting her own argument. I guess she's going with the "We're not bitter, but even if we were, we're allowed!" stand. There is nothing wrong with being bitter you know, I certainly am! Or was. I admit it with pride.

~ I'm not "infertile" apparently. YAY!!! My first baby was conceived in only 18 months without treatment. Apparently this doesn't "count" to her even though I had diagnosed endo, surgery and medicated cycles. (although as a pointed out in comments, she's been trying 18 months without going to an RE, so how does she count and I don't?) And my 2nd baby was conceived in one try. Haven't I always explained how fucking lucky I was and how I thought I wasn't "infertile" at this time? I did not expereience "infertility" with my second, never ever said I did.

~ She "might" consider me "infertile" with my 3rd because I went through "some" procedures. Yeah, just some. I was diagnosed with Asherman's syndrome which means I am full of scar tissue. I was diagnosed with mild endo, which was removed via laproscopic surgery twice (once being with my first). I was diagnosed with LUF syndrome, which meant I grew follicles, but didn't release eggs - so for me to ovulate, I ~had~ to be forced with an hcg trigger shot. And I have ridiculous sub-par lining. Totally "fertile", eh? My RE told me any of these reasons could have been why it took so long to conceive #1. For #3, my procedures (you know, "some" of them) were: 4 surgeries for a uterus which was sealed shut with scar tissue. 3 IUIs. 3 medicated non-IUI cycles. 1 mock IUI cycle. 1 IVF. 1 FET. Then she goes on to say, and I quote, "i dont think that tags you as infertile, i believe it had more to do with your age." heh.

~ Some how she thinks I'm discounting chemical pregnancies and early miscarriages. Totally not. Already talked about that above. I discounted doctors who diagnose m/c too quickly. She gave her example of her m/c and it's just a terrible thing to go through and somehow I don't think that "counts". This one made me sound so horrible! I can't believe she got this one so backwards.

~ I should point the "bitter" finger at myself. Um, I always have. :) I'm totally bitter and have always admitted that!

~ I should NOT complain about pregnancy. I should thank god everyday I'm pregnant (I do). And I'm a "sarcastic negative bitch". Duh. Well, I'd remove the "negative" part.

Okay, okay, I'm done. :)

I guess there is nothing left but to do what she asked me to do and "blow" her. Except I'm not too sure ~how~ that can be done, seeing she doesn't have a penis. Actually, maybe she does. ~shrug~ I really don't know anything about "her" (leaving room open if "she" is a "he" due to the 'suck my dick' reference she gave).


Jenera said...

Ah, it's been awhile since you've had some excitement around here, lol. It was about time some faceless person said hi.

nancy said...

hehe. She just came back and said it's not who I think it is. Although her first "anonymous" comment said EXACTLY what her blog said. It's just a coincidence that this girl's blog said exactly what the supposed "other" anonymous person said to me at first.

nancy said...

Jenera, I get a lot of anonymous comments I don't publish, but this one was particularly funny and I'm bored!

Io said...

She's 21 and her husband's 24 (I think, based on reading her next post up) and she has been trying for a year and a half (which somehow makes her infertile, but not you on your first child? What?) so I'm just going to say she's awfully young and apparently hasn't made it out of high school drama yet.
She's reminding me why I'm not on the boards!

Nikki said...

That's the price of being a celebrity Nancy!! ~wink~

It makes me crazy that some people have SO much negativity and venom in them! I just went to her blog through the link you posted and was shocked that it seems like she's just started blogging! Her bashing of you was on her second post or something.

Seriously - some people need other hobbies :-)

I like the way you take these things head on. I would be thinking and bothering about a comment like that for days! Something for me to learn too.

To A T said...

I read her post and all I could say was WOW, she really didn't really get it, did she?
LOL it kind of made me laugh though ;-)

I guess since I am in the 12+ mos group I should be bitter too? Hm...

Andrea said...

Hilarious! You totally made my Friday. We needed a little spice this morning

~I just caught up on your posts about the different boards, and I have to agree with your assessment. I was on the TTC boards for a while, but was fortunate to be a fertile that just took a year to get a bfp.

I love your very direct style...very different from my own "don't stir the pot" personality.

Michelle said...


must be the hormones ;)

Charlotte said...

Well...SHE is a completely jealous, bitter bitch. Oh, and she MUST also be an M.D. if she can diagnose your non-infertility!! People like her are SO sad...taking all their shortcomings and negativity out on others to make themselves feel superior and better about themselves. Hmmm...that is a sign she'd make a GREAT mom (wink)

Amy said...

That's actually pretty funny. And why I stay away from boards. Too much drama for me. :)

MrsSpock said...

I guess I don't count as infertile then either, eh, even though unexplained infertility is a real diagnosis?

Elana Kahn said...

You crack me up. And, just for the record, I think you're "more infertile" than I am since you had all the surgeries and actually had a diagnosis that could/would keep you from getting pregnant. They couldn't figure out what the he** was wrong with me, but I still needed IVF to make it happen. Go figure. So maybe I don't count either? ;-)

nancy said...

Elana - I know, this was just too funny. I'm so happy I had something to pass my time with on a boring Friday.

BAH about me being "more" infertile than you. Infertility is such a personal thing, I don't think we could compare. We were both infertile. Plain and simple.

Kaci said...

I am laughing my ass off. She's a child.

Anonymous said...

I am an Anon, not "the" anon that you are talking about ( I am only anon because I can never remember the password when I try to choose an identity) People need to get a life. Why did "anon" even waste her/his time typing all of that out??? By the way, you are hilarious!!!

Nikki Millet (webmd)

Christina said...

The bitter person who left that anonymous comment and has that blog just left the TTC 12 month boards today. She offically said "good-bye". Now I'm wondering if she was the rude anon that left me a stupid comment a few days ago.

Anonymous said...

What an immature child! At least she's given all of us a good laugh today!

Sara said...

I love these posts from you! It's been awhile since we got a real stinger - this was good! LOL :)

Who the hell posts as anon with comments like that?

chicklet said...

All I can say is I'm laughing - sorry, but at both of you. Cuz this is just plain crazy that people get into this stuff?

Entertaining though from the sidelines (and from Home Depot of course)...

nancy said...

aw chicklet - you know it's funny. But that's how it's meant from me - to get a laugh out of it. She's probably all really pissed off and agro. I wouldn't be posting it if it wasn't funny as shit. I'm not the least bit upset, only providing entertainment for my readers!

Sara - I know, huh? Funniest part was she totally gave who she was away in her "anonymous" comment, which directed me to where she was from, which she had a big public post about it and the URL to her blog, which was pretty much point by point the "anonymous" comment she left me. So she really didn't do a good job as being anonymous.

Tricia said...

People are stupid. Really, That is not what you were saying at all.

Mandy said...

Wow, she has some nerve. If you are choosing to read others blogs and boards, you need to open yourself up to other peoples opinions. And personally she needs do some soul searching and figure out her own shit, before she tries to figure yours out. Bitter-who wouldn't be, IF sucks, no matter how mild you have or severe you have it. You would think you would rather embrace the people going through struggles with you, instead of tearing them apart.

MsPrufrock said...

Wow, such excitement here. I've had very little difficulty with trolls and/or general bitches, but sometimes I wish I did. It makes blogging life a bit more exciting.

That said, don't come to my blog and be a bitch just because I lamely want to cause some sort of drama on my blog. Heh.

Rita said...

So basically infertility is what she defines it to be? I had to laugh out loud on this one. So I guess I'm not infertile. New title" Rita the fertility goddess"
Keep on trucking Nancy

areyoukiddingme said...

Crap! I arrived too late to read the anon posts. I'm bitter now too...

Not in the Water said...

Maybe Anon is a she....and when she said to blow her made me realize...

I betcha that's why she's not pregnant...maybe she should go to an RE so they can tell her.

Sorry I like to be silly sometimes! As always a good read.

Chastity said...

Oh my gosh...maybe she/he's the "Pregnant Man"...that would solve the whole "suck it" issue, lol...ok, that's all I've got, this was all just laughable.

Mrs.Joyner said...

God she is dumb. That's not how that post sounded at all..It was actually pretty informative and she should've realized this is YOUR blog and YOUR feelings. You never said you were speaking for the ENTIRE IF community.

BTW: I super enjoy reading your blog. Your sarcasm and style make me crack up all the time. Keep it up!!

Carrie Ann said...

Wow, what an idiot. When people are unhappy, they get crrraaaazzzyyy!

Amanda said...

She really is clueless. And to say that you're not infertile or that you had to go through all that you've gone through for your third child is just because you're "old"...she's beyond clueless.

Although I realize my infertility is so mild compared to so many others (but I thought are pain was all pain and we weren't comparing, oh wait, her's is worse), it doesn't mean I didn't suffer through it. And I realize how blessed I am to not have gone through as much as I could have. I'm still allowed to complain about my pregnancy.

Plus, it's your blog. If she doesn't like it CLICK AWAY! Or not, we enjoy the drama once in a while! ;-)

Jamie said...

It is very funny and very elementary school-ish.

Maybe you should change the name of your blog to Infertile, Sarcastic and Bitter. Just to clear up any confusion