Just when I thought no one liked me, I received a bunch of awards and even a few presents in the mail! So I wanted to take the time to thank everyone here.
First, we have this cute little number which I received quite unexpectedly from The Captain's Wife who blogs for Staying Above Water.

Isn't it adorable? Since our nursery has a monkey theme to it, it's just perfect! So thank you K, you definitely didn't need to but I'm glad you did!
Second, I just got this today from my dear friend Jenn who blogs for The Oasis.

Another outfit I have to say is "perfect", since we are a family deeply ingrained into the Red Sox Nation. And check out those little booties! I can't believe I'll have a little one in less than 9 weeks that will fit into those. And the hat? Oh yes, she crocheted it. Just adds to it's awesomeness, eh?
The next thing I would like to say thank you for is all the people who nominated me for this award:

Amanda, ElephantsCanRemember, Jayme, JamieD, KimboSue, and To a T all nominated little old me for this award and I couldn't be happier. And these women all write blogs that I too read regularly, never missing a post, so I can honestly say "right back atcha"!
Everyone, thank you. Thank you so very much. Little things like this really can make my day brighter. And To K and Jenn, thank you so much for going the extra mile and actually sending me a gift! I wish I could reciprocate right now, but your fantasic good karma will have to do for now. ~smooches~ to you all!
And just to end on a funny note, I POAS today. Yes, yes I did. I found it while looking for something else and it was about to expire, so I decided to not waste it by totally wasting it. So if you want to know what a FRER looks like when you are 31w3d pregnant, check it out here.
Congrats on all the presents. Those are some cute outfits. And I guess if there was any doubt as to whether or not you are actually pregnant, that solved it. ;)
yahoo told me to suck it- so I couldn't see the pee stick. And because I am a giant dork I really wanted to! I actually thought about peeing on an FRER recently only because they NEVER gave me strong +'s and I just wanted that glimmer of satisfaction.
& seriously- 9 WEEKS?! wow
calli - just try again. With yahoo, when 2 people try to access it at one time, it gives the error. Just click again. :)
And seriously. 8w4d actually. And that's to due date. I think I'll go 4 days early (2 days early with #1, 3 days early w/ #3, so following the pattern, 4 days early with this one) so really, I have only 8 weeks! ack.
Cute gifts. :)
I always wanted to pee on a stick when I was like 9 months pregnant.. the things you think about when you are bored. :)
Those outfits are absolutely adorable! Such good bloggy friends.
POAS? Hmm, I'd say by looking at you that you're pregnant. Congrats on having only 9 more weeks to go! Scary! Exciting! Wow! We'll get to meet Karl so soon!
ha! That stick is so + you could see it in space.
& I officially emend my previous sentiment to read "& seriously- 8 weeks?! wow"
Wow, I can't believe you are getting so close to your due date. How awesome to get gifts and awards like that. And thanks for sharing your 3rd tri BFP. Not much different from 1st tri BFP. It's good to know that your still pregnant though, as if the kicks you feel aren't telling you enough.
So in case you had any doubt, you ARE pregnant!! LOL
Cute gifts - you must be getting all geared up and ready! 9 weeks or like you said 8 weeks - Gosh, time sure has flown!
Congrats on the BFP!!!
Ha ha ha... just kidding... :)
Cute outfits! I can't believe you only have 9 weeks left. I still remember you announcing your BFP. Wow!
Did I inspire you to POAS? LOL. It's so much fun. I had to walk away from that aisle at the store today because I decided everything is fine. I'm sure I'll be back later this week to pick up another 3-pack!
I so poas'd while big and knocked up too. Just for the hell of it. The line was bloody radioactive :)
That's hilarious - I love the idea of POAS when you're already pregnant. Do you think that would work with an OPK? I never ONCE got a positive on those damn things. Waste of money.
My sis made me a baby blanket with monkeys...just love it!
I hate to be the downer here...but that looks like it could be a false positive..or an evap line. You might want to go for some blood work~
I'm so glad you like them!
And I oddly enough got the recent urge to POAS too. But since I don't have any in the house I thought it wasn't worth it to buy some. But the urge is totally still there! I love how glowing it is!
And oh.my.god. only 8 weeks left already?! holy crap where has this gone?
Oh my...Nancy, I'm pretty sure you are preggo!
Awesome outfits. Love those booties from Jen.
Presents are awesome!!!
Much love to you, Nancy!
Those are adorable presents - how fun for you :D
Cant wait to see what post your brewing up - your so creative, I love it. I may not always get to respond but I am always reading your posts and replies, they can really crack me up.
Whatever you do, DON'T eat sushi. Or have sex. Or, like, sneeze.
Heh heh.
Those pressies are very cute. But mine is gonna be better. :)
When I was preg, I would walk up the pregnancy test kit aisle and think ... "I COULD PISS ON ALL OF YOU AND YOU WOULD BE POSITIVE!! BWAHAHAHAH."
I'm totally manic. Can you tell? CAN YA CAN YA
Interesting. Am I the only one who thought the 2nd line would be darker? I thought it would be the same color as the control line. Of course, it's still darker than I ever saw on a FRER.
LOL that you POAS! Cute outfits! What happened to the past 7 months?? ACK!! We're about to have babies!
Melody - the dark line is the test line - The light line is the control line.
Oops! Holy crap! Callie's right. You COULD see that from space. Now why do I find that so comforting? Like the belly and the ultrasounds offer no clues to your knocked up status. There's just something about that double line.
LOL I had to laugh because I want to pee on a stick and see it change so dark so fast. I peed on one every day for the first 4 or 5 days to see the color get darker but I was still so early.
I can't imagine 8 weeks! I still have 100 days to go and that is freaking me out! Oh boy, I'm going to be a mommy! Can't wait for the baby!
ahhh cute presents! and congrats on the award :)
here from ICLW
ohhh those are so nice!!! n u deserve them all u really keep us all entertained. hows the baby i see ure getting so big ahhhh its still a boy right? not long left to go. yeah i went mia i needed a little break but im back now lol
That's funny that you POAS. I know I have one somewhere and have been tempted to find it just to see how dark they can get. Too funny!
i have three sticks i pissed on when i was so huge with triplets i could barely (if i'm honest i'll admit i couldn't, really) wipe my hoo-ha. HAHA! the obsession never ends...
I also POAS while pg. A lot.
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