Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A poll for infertiles.

Just a quick question for anyone out there who has ever dealt with infertility... I put a poll out on the very ~bottom~ of the right column for you to answer. Thanks!

(and sorry you have to scroll through so many 'uncomfortable' pictures to get there.)


Leslee said...

I answered "combination," but maybe I shouldn't have. My husband has azoospermia and I have very mild endo that was removed last year. We're using a donor, so me + the donor not getting pregnant after 7 IUIs means I should have chosen "unexplained."

IdleMindOfBeth said...

I'm "other" because we know for sure that we have FF (hello endo), but DH's SAs always came back in the low end of normal ranges. Nothing to hold up an IUI, but I'm not sure what additional treatments we'd need for an IVF.

Anonymous said...

I marked combo, but really should have marked male factor. Dh has a balanced translocation. Before we knew about it I was a bit anovulatory, so was put on clomid. 2 miscarriages in 5 months on clomid kinda means they 'solved' my problem and the IVF/PGD has been for male factor.

Mel said...

I went with female factor, but I feel like I should get to click it twice - I have PCOS & Endo. Also have had three miscarriages, so I could have clicked that one too, I guess...but I think those are related to the PCOS. Maybe not. Who knows?

As far as we know, he is perfect, fertility-wise. His first wife got pregnant three times, each on exactly the first try.

Anonymous said...

I picked combination, but I'm not sure if we're really male factor as well or not. I know that DH's SA had some low motility, so I went with the combination. But I'm not sure if that's really an issue, like I know my PCOS is.


Anonymous said...

I marked other. I'm going to be 44 in December so perhaps that is part of this issue, although my OB doesn't think so. I've been PG 4 times and have one son. We have been trying again for months and nothing so I'm starting a round of Clomid this month. My clock is ticking louder and louder each month.


Anonymous said...

Well I did it 2 times, I did reccurent m/c and Unexplained. I didnt see the other one at 1st stupid me. But Ive had 5 losses and I do have one son who will be 7 this month. But have been unable to carry a baby since then. I can concieve but it takes 2-3 yrs just to get prego and then I cant carry them. Ive seen 5 Obs and an RE and none of them can figure out whats wrong with me. My 1st m/c was at age 17. Has a LAP and had lots of things fixed but not sure if it worked yet as Im still waiting on AF to grace me with her presence. Had tons of tests and 2 HSGs and all is normal and they cant find any issues. So as my RE says to me "Aubrey Your just weird"

Photogrl said...

I answered "recurrent m/c", because I have been pg 5 times, but only have one living child.

Although, next month will be a whole year of TTC without one BFP, so I could have picked "unexplained", too.

Maryanne said...

Nancy- I had severe endo that damaged both tubes so bably that one barely worked and they recommended removing the bad one and doing IVF. They gave us odds with one barely functioning tube of <1% on our own. As irony would have it -IVF#1 ended in ruptured ectopic in you guessed it-the one barely functioning tube (emergency durgery and removal of tube). So, now we have no tubes and IVF was our own option!

Tigger said...

I voted male factor, because that's what's on paper, but I fully believe that they are missing something with me. Since I can't PROVE it, though... *shrug*

Melody said...

I answered female factor b/c it's on my side. I'm a lesbian, and we used donor sperm, but it's not a "typical" fertility problem like low ovarian reserve, endo, or anovulation. It's not really related to my reproductive system. It's an immunological problem called alloimmunity. My body rejects others' DNA-- treats it like cancer. Most people never would have discovered it. My doc happened to have a research background in organ transplant that gave him some clues, even though I didn't have the classic repeat miscarrier profile. I often wonder if a lot of "unexplained" infertility is actually immunological.

Shinejil said...

Jeez, I put unexplained, but I had a teensy touch of minimal endo and a polyp and my thyroid is very mildly hypo. All of this apparently doesn't matter (say the docs) and I did get pregnant, albeit with an ectopic.

So who the hell knows? My docs don't seem to.

jenn said...

I put unexplained because technically everything checked out. But since we never made it past the clomid challenge stage I guess I'll never really know. Until maybe we get crazy & think about #2...

Anonymous said...

i answered twice! ok, so it was "unexplained" but i also marked "other" - in part becasue we dealt with "secondary" infertility, where you already have at least 1 previous pregnancy (or more) but cannot conceive the second (or third, etc.) time around. it carries with it the emotional factor of guilt - some IFers get offended becasue they see it as "you should be greatful you have a child already" but it doesn't feel that way. you deal with the emotional like "am i bad mom beacuse i want more" or "is my one child not enough". IF sucks.

- elcubana

Topcat said...

Hey ... where did you go? I hope you're ok. xox