Thanks for everyone who gave good thoughts/wishes for my father, that was really super nice of each and every one of you. What a day to give thanks, eh? I just talked to them and he's doing ~great~. Getting all his tubes and stuff out, passing all his breathing tests and they are going to move him out of ICU into his "normal" room today. Yay!
I'm in Salida, Colorado for a few days and he's in Phoenix. So no, I'm not with them. Instead, I'm at the most beautiful house with breath taking mountain views. It's my in-law's house and I'm in love with the area here. I'm taking it as easy as I can as my wonderful hubby has told me HE will be taking care of everything so I can rest. I'm taking advantage.
In baby news ...
I had a bit of a scare last night. The baby is in a really uncomfortable position and the last part of the drive yesterday was starting to really hurt. When I got out of the car, I went to lay down on the couch and the contractions started. Every 2-3 minutes. I started downing water and timing them, hoping to god they would start to peeter out. My father in law is the CEO of the hospital here in town, so with just a simple call I'd have the best care (not that they don't care for others just as well, but when treating the big boss's daughter in law and only grandson, I'm sure they'd jump a little higher.), but I did NOT want to go to L&D to get a shot of terbutaline. Yuck. Thankfully, they started to get further and further away from one another, and by the time they ended 4 hours later, I was only getting 2-3 in an hour.
I had ultrasound #18 yesterday and found baby boy to be in yet another new position. Still transverse, but heading for breech status. Ugh.
As you can see by my drawing ...
... he is in a fabulous position to kick the shit out of my bladder, causing great pain and a great need to pee like every 30 seconds. So he arches up into my ribs and side and kicks me in the bladder and cervix. When I sit in an upright position, he really does a thing or two to my cervix which is why I think I had all those contractions.
And may I say that I SUCK at drawing on the computer? I don't see how Mel and Geohde does it. Their paint pictures are so damned cute and I end up with a baby that looks very much like the Grinch.
Happy T-day to you all. Don't eat too much. No one likes to feel overly full.
The Karl Who Stole Christmas just doesn't have the same ring, but I do indeed see the resemblance! Glad the contractions stopped. Have a relaxing day!
The Grinch...I love it. Although not a bad drawing for the computer.
I'm glad that your dad is doing well. Sorry that Karl is kicking the crap out of your cervix. I hope that stops soon.
Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the view and your family.
I love the picture! Made me laugh. Glad your dad is doing well and the contractions backed off. Nothing like a little preterm labor scare to kick start your holiday!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Your picture is just fine - glad that your scare was just that a scare...
Take care of you and Karl!
AND great to hear that your Dad is doing well :)
that must be really something... to have his feet against your bladder! I can't imagine the feeling, but I totally sympathize.
Glad you dealt well with your scare.
About the breeching, I just remembered that I've heard that acupuncture can make a baby turn around to the right position before labor.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sorry about the scare, but I'm glad things worked themselves out. I hope Karl turns into a more vertex position soon. If he doesn't are you looking at Csection? I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Monica, if he doesn't turn, yeah - a c-section would be much more likely, but I would definitely try other things before going for it - accupucture, chiropractic, manual turning techniques, etc. This little boy is on the small side, so hopefully that will let him turn some more before it gets less and less likely. My OB told me we have until 36 weeks to start to worry. A whole month.
I must say that your drawing makes him look like a demon baby heh. I'll bet in real life he's a cute pie, though. :-D I'm glad the contractions stopped without too much trouble. Happy Turkey Day!
in response to your comment on my blog, yes my RE gave me my follistem-I was really lucky. I paid out of pocket for everything else though. My insurance doesn't even pick up bloodwork or a u/s. Some days I wish we lived in other states that mandated it!
You're baby drawing is a little creepy looking...I really hope Karl comes out looking a bit better than a riddled old man with a bad case of arthritis :)
Super glad your Dad is doing well...Great for you to be able to chill for a couple of days...and sorry bout your scare.
I'm glad your Dad is doing well and that everything is good with Karl (I can't type his name without typing my last name :)
I have a friend who's baby was breach and they suggested turning and c-section. She decided against manual turning because of the risks and to wait until her due date to schedule a c-section. Her baby turned at 39 weeks and was delivered vaginally. I know this is not always the case, but you never know.
Yay that your Dad is on his way to better health!
I'm glad to read that your scare was only that. I hope it doesn't happen again on the drive home. And how wonderful to have such beautiful views while taking it easy!
He does totally look like the Grinch- but only in your pic! ;o)
Glad your dad is doing so well & so sorry about the uncomfortable & scary new position & drive to your in-laws!
Glad to hear that your dad is doing better, your contractions have mellowed and your husband is taking good care of you. Sounds like a good Thanksgiving!
So glad your dad is OK. I've been away for a couple of days and didn't realize this was happening. The pre-term labor scare sounds AWFUL. I'm glad you were able to get it stopped. I hope Thanksgiving was lovely and that Karl picks another less sensitive organ to turn into his punching bag.
Not a bad drawing but he does look like he's enjoying kicking the shit out of your bladder.
I'm sort of picturing Stewie from The Family Guy . . .
I am glad to hear all is calming down. Take it easy.
Funny thing about Baby Grinch. When Andrew was a newborn, he had acid reflux and was, according to the doctor, colicky. He would always have a frown on his face, even when he was sleeping--like this crease above his nose. He would pout and frown all the time. Thus the nickname, Baby Grinch!
There is still time for Karl to settle into position. Andrew went from breech to birthing position at 35 weeks.
So glad that you are fine now! And by the way, I gave titles even before I formed my essays...I thought they rocked but I never had teachers appreciating them anyways. That however has not shrunk my faith in my creativity..He He He
I usually do not title my poems, unless I am submitting them somewhere for publishing.
Oh, and I keep meaning to tell you when I first glanced at this post I thought the title was "This is not a wittle titty."
Gee Nancy, you're baby is so..ummm...cute. : )
Glad you're dad and the babe are doing well. Sorry about your bladder and cervix.
Happy Thanksgiving!
The kicking the bladder thing sounds AWFUL. I totally relate to the need to pee every 30 I leave the bathroom, I'm thinking "I have to go again."
I think your drawing is adorably hilarious!
Glad your dad is doing well...must be a huge relief!
The blips for you should be just about over, yes? But - connections are good to have!!! If he makes a call to your hospital, could he still pull some strings?
Happy T-day...hope Karl let you eat some!
I thought it was a kind of fun drawing. I'm glad the contractions let up. It's still a little early for you, lets get closer to that 40wk. However, I'm sure the treatment received at that hospital would have been top notch.
I ate too much. And I think your Grinch is cute. No more of those nasty ctx, okay?
I left something for you on my blog!
Your baby drawing really does look like the grinch. I hope he gets his act together and gets in the right position soon!
Glad your Dad is doing better!
glad to hear your dad is doing good and im glad the contractions spaced out tell little man its not time yet he anxious huh? loving that drawing then i laughed even harder when you compared it to the grinch hahaha have fun resting in the mountains
Sorry about your scare - that would be scary to be out of town and having contrax! I am glad they stopped.
Sounds like your dad is doing well! That is really something to be thankful for...
Hope you are doing well!
I hope you had a good T-Day and I'm happy your dad is still doing well. I have some boy clothes BTW, just let me know if you want them.
Okay, so I'm not a blogger, but I do read your blogs once in a while, because they always make me laugh. The thing is, I was born in Salida, CO and although you would probably get the best treatment, it's not saying much :) I mean that in a good way, it's just such a rinky-dink town, although quite beautiful!!
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