Okay, let me brag a little bit first about my rock star embryos. We had 9 to fertilize to begin with and all 9 fertilized. Then, 7 survived thaw. Out of the 7, on day 3, we still had all 7 growing! No losses yet. This is how the breakdown of the 7 members of the once frozen Mod Squad:
1 - 8 cell grade A
1 - 7 cell grade A
1 - 6 cell grade B
1 - 5 cell grade B
2 - grade C (don't know cell count)
1 - grade D (don't know cell count)
We sat down with RE and discussed how many to put back. He suggested 4. ~gasp~. Well, we all KNOW how I feel about putting back too many. RE asks "so are you okay with four?". I said "Nope, we want two max." And he said "Oh no, I won't put back just two. Not with your age and lining." (okay, so had we insisted, he would have. It was our choice, after all.)
We went over statistics and facts and all that. He said the 8, 7 and 6 cell for sure. That would give me 35% chance at a singleton. Then, he mentioned he really wanted to put back the 5 cell, but that one probably wouldn't take. Tom asked if it's not a great one to take in the first place, why would we transfer it? And RE said that it's not going to make it to blast for the most part, so he just would feel better than simply disposing of it.
I turn to Tom and say "this is totally up to you." And he says "WHY IS IT UP TO ME?" and I said "Because now I'm all maternal and want to put back all four. I'm too emotional about it. I don't want to just throw away the runt."
And it's true. I do not want to have more than twins. Heck, twins would freak my shit out because I already have two babies. And it goes against my moral thoughts of this situation. But I will be the first to admit that when faced with it, my heart changed. I even thought of how strongly I felt about it just a few days ago on my blog and how I was totally a hypocrite. But all I can say is that I was wrong for judging when I wasn't in that situation to begin with. (note: I do think going against Drs orders and triggering with 8+ mature follies and having sex is a selfish decision.)
It came down to statistics. With the four, a 40% chance for a singleton and a 60% of ~no baby at all~ was a risk we decided was okay. Of that 40%, we've got a 15% of twins and under 5% for triplets. I'm a bit nervous and feel guilty for being a hypocrite, but what can I say?
Without further adieu, I'd like to introduce you to Paul, John, Ringo and George. (The Mod Squad only had three members, so I had to change it up.)

The naming was great. My RE came up by my head after transfer and showed me the picture. He is the one who introduced me to my embryos as Paul, John, Ringo and George. Once he said it, I ~knew~ it was perfect. My husband and I are big Beatles (and John Lennon) fans. Our wedding dance was "Imagine" by John Lennon. We quite frequently play The Beatles in the house when we want to have family time without tv. So yeah, it was perfect.
So now we wait. IF the grade C or D miraculously grow to blastocyst stage, they'll freeze them, but I know that's not going to happen. My RE said he's seen it before, but it's nothing I was expecting. We knew we'd use them all up. I'm beyond shocked they did so well in the first place to tell you the truth.
My beta is scheduled for next Friday, May 16th at 7:30am. But as you may know, I'm the ultimate POASer, so it'll happen way before that. And since I have no trigger in me, it makes it even more feasible to test WAY too early.
Wow. I transferred four embryos.
HOORAY for the wonderful fert report!!!!
And IMO you're not a hypocrite. You followed the doctor's orders. It was the doctor's idea to transfer 4. Unless I completely misunderstood how you think you're a hypocrite.
I'm rooting for you!
Thank you!
In regards to being a hypocrite, you are right, I'm not one in that I followed Doctor's orders. But I am one in saying I would never transfer (or trigger) with more than I would be willing to take care of. I honestly don't know what I'll do if all four take, but those stats are so low, I'm not worried about that now.
Talk about roller derby in your tummy!
Go junior candy snipers go go!
Nancy -- that is so *&%$ awesome.
I am so cheering for you --if it were a hockey game I'd be banging on the glass.
Totally off subject, but IMagine was the song we played at my moms funeral. she was a huge Lennon fan and my sister is named after John Lennon. We had it inscriped as her eptitaph.
Congrats on the success of these four! And good luck with what is to come!!!
You know, we're all hypocrites at some time, so don't beat yourself up about it. I remember reading or hearing something about IVF WAY before I ever wanted children or was even married, and thought, "I'd never do that...there are kids out there that need a mom...I'd just adopt." I ate those thoughts...four times. I've learned to NEVER say NEVER.
OK, Fab Four. Bury, bury. Be good to mama.
Whoot! I am pulling for John -he's the cutest in my opinion.
Congrats on finally finishing a full fucking cycle!!! Now we just need one (or two) of the fab four to stick!
I'm really excited for you,
Nancy. Way to go!!
Hey Nancy! I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I'm still pulling for you!!! I'm really glad that everything went so well for your band.
I haven't been around lately because I wanted to be sensitive to our previously IF-opposed situations, but now you're PUPO!!! I totally know what you mean about your change of heart, too. Remember how I said I'd only transfer one? It all goes out the window when doc tells you otherwise.
Anywho, I still follow you every day and pray that you get who you've been aching for.
Peace, ~jessy
Woohoo!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you. Oh my God. Now you have something to look forward to and I think you have so much to hope for. Let the 2WW begin (but, we know you, so we'll only have to wait about 9 days). :)
I just remembered...remember way back when on the JSO boards when you were talking about quads? And how crazy that would be if you had quads? Uh oh....LOL.
"hardee har har"...You're funny. I know, I'm just giving you crap. It made me think of the comment is all.
I will be thinking of you!!! :) Thanks for the nice comment. My little man is growing too fast...
Wow! Congrats! Lots of tough decisions. You can't really know what you'd do in a given situation until you are actually faced with it. Also, I wouldn't say hypocrite, I'd say just having a different point of view in a different context. I applaud your courage and being rigorous and public about the decisions you make. It's easy to hide out and just make yourself look good.
I'm pulling for Ringo! I think he'd be the most fun and down to earth. Also, I think you need a drummer more than anything else but I might be wrong about that.
Good luck!
That is freaking awsome!! Congrats!!
OMG- they are beautiful!
I love the names, I'm pulling for George myself- he's got that quiet goofiness that I like. I suggest watching all the old movies during your 1ww...(I know you won't wait too much longer than that to start POAS'ing!)
I think that you were honest- not hypocritical. You assessed your emotional input for this decision & clearly saw how your feelings can change & influence your decisions. And you ~did~ follow your docs orders. I know how you feel about the risks & I know what a math nerd you are. If your head & your heart could agree on this, I think it's an evolvement of your decision, not a hypocritical act.
lot's of puffy hearts & sticky thoughts!
Congrtaulations on your rock star embryos! I'll say the same thing others are saying - you aren't a hypocrite - you changed your mind based on the stats given to you by your doctor.
I'm a hypocrite if you are - I swore up and down last year that I would not do IVF if other treatments didn't work - and of course, I wound up doing IVF!
yay!!! I am so excited for you. You really deserve some good news.
But if we're hoping for a girl, seems a little weird naming them after the Beatles. There's gotta be a great 4 member girl-band.
Yay! I'm so glad you finally made it this far =). Now, rest up and go distract yourself in Boston ;-) I can't wait to see how this all turns out!
Congrats on the transfer and loads of ~~bfp vibes~~ sent your way.
We always listen to the Beatles on Sunday mornings here in Denver, this city has the best radio stations!
"Here Comes the Sun"...sounds like things are going well.
Here's hoping that you're nearing the end of "The Long and Winding Road."
You can say to your babes, "Got To Get You Into My Life."
Okay, I agree you are COMPLETELY justified in going for multiple betas - your situation is more than a little different.
The Fab Four! Woo hoo!
And only Paul and Ringo are still around, so the names might be suggestive of how many you'll get out of this.
Implant little Fab Four - Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Woo hoo! I *puffy heart* the Beatles names. I am a huge Beatles fan as well. I am pulling for Paul as he is my personal favorite. ;)
Best of luck to you!!!
I'm so happy for you & DH. Take it easy, and enjoy your trip to Boston. Hey, think you can expense out dinner for five, rather than just one? lol
Hmmm, Johnna, Georgia, Polly and Ringa??? They could all be girls.
Holy crap! Look at those superstars! Whooohooo!
Woohoo! I'm so excited for you! Have a great trip & let those little guys bury down deep.
I'm glad the transfer went great. I know transferring 4 is probably alarming, but remembering your previous post the real issue was the refusal to follow doctor's orders. While it is a difficult decision, nobody can fault you for doing what your RE recommends.
Good luck and have a good trip to Boston. I'm staying tuned for the POAS frenzy.
"If you are what you say you are, a SUPERSTAR, then have no fear..." idk but that song popped in my head.
Embies w/ rockstar flair AND beatles taste!? Woohoo! Have a great trip. At least it'll help distract you a bit during this 2ww.
they look great. I would be the same way, I don't want to have twins (but twins better then no babies) and I would want to put all 8 back in if I could (I just hate the idea of letting them die without a shot of living??). Crazy or what?
I'm excited for you Nancy, I think you made the right decision putting back in all 4, you never know, it maybe the runt that sticks.
Yay! I am so happy for you! I'm hoping for you!
I have tears. There Beautiful, and so real. ~HUGS~HUGS~HUGS~ Fingers and Toes Crossed that this is your success. One or Four, what is meant to be will be and you will be terrific. Your already beyond amazing.
Congrats on the FET! I hope all goes well and you will get some very happy news soon.
I know you are resting but I wanted to tag you! Once you feel up to a little non-ttc fun here is a link to my blog: http://cryingoverthefishsticks.blogspot.com/
Rest up! I am keeping my crossables crossed for you.
Congrats nancy! WOW
Congrats!! I am glad you went with 4 just because it could be something you would regret later.
Can't wait for the beta!!
Woo hooo!
Love the names and I am pulling for John!
Love ya!
Awesome! That is totally freaking awesome! My prayers are with you and I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for great news.
Congrats on the transfer and much positive wishes coming your way.
Wow, four, holy shite! Good luck:-) Thinking good thoughts for you.
Awww ... Nancy, I'm thinking great thoughts for you and the Beatles! Hope you're able to get some "rest" in the busy days ahead!
As for me ... guess I'll be doing little of nothing other than busting my butt at work and watching the Red Wings game on Thursday .... heh heh! (Sorry, I meant to start a little rivalry thingy when the series started ... but things at work have kept be from doing other fun things!)
Congrats! Great news.
so excited for you Nancy! Hope your trip is going well and Ringo is burrowing his way into your uterus as I type this!
Whew! Glad you finally made it to transfer chica! Talk about a long process!!! It was like "Extreme IVF"
Congrats! I'm sending you all sorts of good thoughts. Those are the cutest embryos I've ever seen. =)
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