Um. yeah.
Why would that be?
(beta scheduled today at 730a)

update #1 - got beta draw. Will update again with #. Did a second poas at RE and it was a BFP still.
... Once (and still) Infertile, but still Schnarky as hell. This blog is dedicated to the daily ramblings from the mind of Nancy. It isn't about anything profound in the grand scheme of things, but it ~is~ about things in my life, schnarkiness always included. I have a second blog, listed in my profile, but the blogs will continue to remain separate.
"I'm aiming for heaven, but I'll probably wind up down in hell"
I have been praying and praying for you! And will continue to do so! This is amazing Nancy!
My jaw dropped.
I certainly hope it is because it is so :-)
omg yay!!!! that is amazing, nancy!! i'm still keeping you in my thoughts mama!! how exciting!
NANCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing! I have been praying for you for so long! I'm sitting here crying that this has finally happened for you!!!!!!! I remember when you were pg for Allison (my oldest was born just a couple weeks after her). Congratulations to you and your family!
YAAAYYYY!! Congrats! I've been hoping for this for so long
Because sometimes late implanters don't produce enough HCG to register until now? :) (*crossing fingers*)
WHAT!!!!!! OMG!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit!!!! I am so happy to see this!!! I guess it wasn't over.....
Miss Hope came through!!!! Yay!!!!! Shit! I am beyond excited, I am ecstatic!
Don't you have your beta today too?
Congratulations, Nancy! I've been reading your blog for the past few months and am ecstatic for you. I can only imagine how much this means to you.
Congrats, Nancy! See you were meant to be pregnant this time. I knew it would happen for you.
What an amazing feeling :)
Couldn't be any more clear than that! Now we just have to wonder how many of them stuck......eek!
I can't wait to hear your numbers this afternoon. Tell your doctor to put a rush order on it! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Nancy I am so happy for you. I will be sitting here anxiously awaiting your beta numbers!!!
I knew it nancy!! I was laying in bed last night thinking i was not going to ever try to get PG till you got PG...and now i wake up and your PG, so i guess thats a green light. LOL!
OMG, I have never posed here before but I read every day and "know" you from the WebMD boards from when you were PG with DD#1...
I just got the biggest goose bumps when I read today's message!
I am hoping and praying you get the best news with your beta test!
lol trisha - you just made me laugh. Now you can have sex tonight and be pregnant in 2 weeks. I'm sure it'll happen that quickly for you. Happen to be ovulating today? ~wink~
OMG Nancy :-) Yay... congrats!! Lots of sticky vibes coming at you!
Ack! What?? This is exciting!! I can't wait for more!!!
OMG Woman!!!! I'm absolutely on PINS & FRICKIN NEEDLES for your beta results!
Happy dancin in my chair for you!
OMG, yes yes yes yes!!! I am so happy right now I am trying not to cry (my boss is here from CA so I shouldn't even be on here). You totally made my day/weekend, Nancy, I am so excited!
Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!!!
I've never posted but have read your blog for quite some time.
What wonderful (and shocking) news to see this morning! You are amazing and deserve this so much. Can't wait to see your beta results!
Congrats Nancy!!!!
On Nancy.
I had a sneaking suspicion those little candy snipers had a few more laps in them...
Nancy. (Said quietly with wonder.)
I will, though not my habit, be praying in my own way for your beta and all that entails. This is a long time coming for you..when I hear the official results I'm totally broadcasting it on my blog...
Congrats Nancy, that's great news!
congrat Nancy.
Yay!! What great news this morning!! Absolutley amazing!!!
Nancy, That is awesome news, I have been watching you for a while and my heart skipped abit when I saw the post, I sincerely hope this is it,Good luck and I will be crossing absolutely everything for you!
You know me, i nothing how pregnancy actually works. I have learned more from reading your blogs then i ever would have know. Im on AF, does that count? LMAO I dont even keep track of that. I get all suprised when it shows up like..oh, you again.
I am very happy for you, very very happy. I guess i was always matter of fact about it anyway. I just knew you would get pg, so i didnt stress too much.
now come back to the kc.
Holy Shit, Nancy!!! I'm praying for a great beta for you today. My heart has been breaking for you this past week, but I never posted because I just didn't know what to say. OMG. I couldn't have asked to hear better news today.
WOOHOO! Keep us posted, I'll be checking in here all day :)
AWESOME NEWS! Way to go, little embies!
Can't wait to see the beta.
Awesome news!! I've been reading your blog and hoping for the best for you!
Congrats! I am SO happy for you! 40% chance my ass...You showed them!
YIPEEE!!!! Honest to god this is the best news I have heard all week. My guess is the runt decided to make a late appearance ;-) Positive thoughts coming your way!!!!!
I swear. There's something special about Taza de Cafe. Maybe it was worth the drive after all.
So happy for you!!
Holy Crap!!! What did I tell you, Nancy??? Huh? I told you that the four were fighting over who was going to implant first and so they just hadn't done it yet!
Girl, I am so happy for you! It gave me goose bumps when I read your post! God is awesome and our prayers for you have been answered!!!!
Can't wait to hear the beta numbers. Yes!!
Congrats Nancy! I hope that beta is nice and high and keeps climbing. Lots of sticky, healthy, happy vibes to you and baby(s)!
I am so HAPPY for you!!!! Congrats again. High Beta Vibes coming your way!!!!
holy crap!EXCELLENT!
Nancy!!! Congrats Momma!
I am so, so happy for you! If anyone deserves this its you!!!!
NANCY!!!!!! This is absolutely AMAZING. I am so incredibly happy for you.YAY!!!!!!
That is awesome for you Nancy!!!!
I'm so happy I could cry!
Congrats Nancy!
Are You Fu**in Kidding Me!!! Holy Shit! I cant believe, Yes I can, No I cant, Yes I can. Oh My God Nancy! I'm In Shock!!!
I'm crying Again!!!
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I'm Laughing and Crying. Oh my gosh. I want to hug you.
I'm disorented, I need to make sure I'm reading your post correctly, I didnt log into someone elses did I? I hope I'm not making an Ass of my self. I'm shaking.
I love you I love you I love you!!!
I'm so happy for you I cant stand it!!
Woohoo!!! That is awesome! :) I am so happy for you. Can't wait to hear the #s.
Good Luck!
Holy cow! I guess all the prayers (and the IVF) worked. I'm so excited Nancy! Now I'm eagerly awaiting the beta results!
I just scared the cleaning lady by shouting!
OMG. Call already! I wanna know the numbers. I wonder if there's twins in there.
The next thing...aren't you dying to know how many implanted?
I bet you're floating on air right now. Have you told DH yet? I know you...I bet not and you're going to do some awesome surprise with the girls.
Did they outgrow those shirts already? ;)
And just like that, the "Don't POAS too early" crowd gets to say "told you so." While this MIGHT be annoying, usually, I bet it's not annoying at all today.
Early congrats, and good luck. Waiting for the beta numbers! Post. them. right. away.
OH MY GOD! WOOHOOOOOO!! Yippee! Congrats! I've had a rotten morning & you just brought the first smile to my face! I am so fucking excited for you!
Holy crap! That is wonderful. I can't wait to see your beta #
haha I swear when I came to the page I proclaimed
yesssssss! Congrats congrats congrats!
Found out the wonderful news from Trace! Congratulations - thinking sticky thoughts!!
lookie there!!
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!! You joined me in life after IF. :)
AAAUGHHHH! Very exciting!
I'm loving this news!
WOW Thats awesome! Congrats!!!!!
just wonderful Nancy!!!
I came over from Dr. Grumbles and all I have to say is "WAHOO!" I'm so glad to see a positive peestick for you! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
yea!!! Post the betas as soon as you hear. OMG - this is awesome news.
I know I've already commented, but I am on the edge of my seat!!!! I can't wait for the next update!!!
Go John Go!
I am so glad I can now show up at your house with flowers for a happy reason.
I am so excited to be an aunt again!
Great news Nancy! You must me so excited! Can't wait to hear the numbers..... :)
OMG! You have got to be freaking out right now. I know I am and I barely know you :) Please update asap. You have so much support here. I guess all of our PG vibes helped. Big ((((HUGS))) to you!!!!!!!!!
I just wanted to take the time and tell you how truely happy I am....68 comments so far- im not the only one! You are loved by so many and im sure you are in so many ppls prayers, especially mine! You deserve this more than anyone...I've been waiting for this day for you. Now I don't feel so bad for being pregnant lol
That is so amazing Nancy. I was hoping that all your other tests were just early. I have been following your blog and kept praying that you got your BFP. This so exciting. Tons of sticky vibes coming your way. Congrats!
Oh my freaking goodness Nancy! I almost fell out of my chair when I read this!!!
I really really really REALLY hope this is for you and we get fabulous news Monday. You'll have us all on pins and needles!
JUST AWESOME!!!!!!!! Congratulations
JUST AWESOME!!!!!!!! Congratulations
I don't comment too often, but today is an exception. I have to add my Congrats (!!) to the comments.
This is just wonderful, thrilling, amazing news. I'm very happy for you. Once again, Congrats!
Congratulations!! That's awesome!!
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