I freaking ~love~ this one:

This is a onesie and very well may be his take home outfit:

Another onsie:

You can't really see this one well, but it's actually a toilet with a yellow bowl. Get it?:

I could ~not~ get a good picture of this one, but I LOVE it. It says "sid":

This is just a little outfit. Long sleeve t, green pants and a hoodie:

Cool little boy clothes are actually super hard to find. I so do ~not~ want sports tees and crap with animals, trains, trucks, etc on it. Girl clothes are so much easier to get!
I wanted to get a few more, but they were simply little sayings on plain t-shirts and I didn't want to spend the money on them. I'm thinking of getting an iron-on kit for my printer so I can just buy plain tees and onesies and make them myself for way cheaper. Among some of the ones I'm going to make are:
~ "You're old"
~ "He thinks he's my daddy"
~ "Don't forget to wipe my ass."
~ "insomniac"
~ "I wake up screaming"
~ "new & improved"
~ "made from recycled genetic materials"
~ "punk"
I'm sure I'll see others I want to make and even maybe make up my own.
Those are cute. Definately unique, but cute as hell!
(btw...Im with you on the whole no trains and trucks thing...I do like little animals, but no trucks, thank you very much...)
Those are super cute!! I especially like the sayings that you want to make iron-ons for.
I like them - Loved the Ipeed one ;)
Those are crazy cool. I love them. I really love your sayings also.
Have a great day!
You are too funny! These are awesome!
Remember this post, when you get your parcel.
That's all I'll say.
For what it's worth, I was very anti-trucks/cars/sports, etc. before I had my son, too....and now that he's old enough to know what he likes? trucks/cars/sports. His favorite shirts have cars and trucks on them because he loves cars and trucks. Go figure.
I love the tees, but especially the sayings you want to put on new ones. :-) So awesome!
Make one that says "i'm new here"
We got one that says "Sniff here" on the butt. It is so cute! I love the Sid one you got!
he is so a bad ass in the making! He needs a roller girl onesie!
Love, love, love. Saw one recently that read "I Can't Read". Awesome.
When we do have kids (thinking positively), I'm getting the one that reads "My Dad's a Nerd". Also, because I'm a huge dork the one that reads "Attorney Work Product".
Those are so cute! I love them... And you are right, really cute boy clothes are hard to find. Girls get all the good stuff.
HAHA those are funny & cute! I LOVE them!
Boys clothes are SO hard to find. I remember Mike saying "where is all the camo"? and I find all the pastel newborn colors to be quite girlish too!
The ones you found are super cute. I also like the saying "milkaholic" or "I did 9 months and then got out".
You should also do some maternity shirts. I had some that said "knocked up" and "good things come to those that mate"!
Those are all super cute! I like stuff with little animals on it, but I'm not a fan of the sports stuff.
He has received so many Packer outfits that I had to take one of them back.
It is really hard to find cute boy stuff. The stores discriminate because it seem like it's 70% girl stuff and 30% boy stuff.
I especially like "insomniac" and "made from recycled genetic materials". I agree with Calliope, Karl is going to be a bad ass.
I love Iron on Transferes, I made a bad ass Motley Crue Bandana for Dylan when he went to Crue Fest and it cost under 2 bucks.
OMG! I would so buy those shirts if you made them!
Awesome clothes! I like the iron on ideas too.
I would definitly agree that it's easier to find cute girl stuff than boy stuff. But I think you scored some good stuff here!
love em.
I think I saw that dragon one and thought of you...
Boy clothes are hard to find! Luckily I just have girls because I would have hated the stuff they have for boys. With girls it is hard to stop buying!
I'm here from ICLW, love all your pregnancy pics. I wish I thought to do that. I only have a couple pictures for both pregnancies.
Those are sooo cute! JoAnns has tons of iron on sayings for onesies. Some better than others...
Karl is going to be the coolest baby on the block. Where did you get those tees?
He will be a cool boy!!!!!!
I found the iron-ons tend to flake off a lot, especially with all the washing. I did make a onesie at cafepress (make your own store even if you don't plan to sell) and those were very high quality and stood up to washing well. Obviously not as cheap as iron-on, but if you do a bunch at a time, you'll save on shipping at least...
then you could sell those onesies - you'd make a killing!
You are hysterical! I love your shirts. You can buy iron-on printer sheets at a craft store like Michael's. I've used them before and they're easy to do. I love your ideas for shirts. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. You were very generous using the word "stunning" in a sentence that referred to me! Can't wait to see pics of your new little man!
Those are hilarious!
Is it bad that when we finally have a one of our own I want a onesie that says "all daddy really wanted was a blow job" ??
I love them!!! DH and I are always looking at the ones at Spencers and Hot Topics... too cute, some a little much, but still funny.
I like these shirts I have seen
1) I ripped mommy a new one
2) All daddy wanted was a BJ or all mommy wanted was a backrub
3)I cry when ugly people hold me
4)I'm smarter than the president (for GW)
5) My mom's/dad's tattoos are cooler than your mom's/dad's
6)My mom did the drummer (friend's hubby is a drummer in a band)
7)I do my own stunt
8) I can't talk yet but I already HATE THE YANKEES!!
Thank you for the comment. How encouraging to know that you see (saw) mags too!!
That is awesome that we live so close! Where at in Colorado?
Oh, my goodess! Those are the most hilarious things EVER. It almost makes me want to have another just so I can buy those. Errr...not.
I LOVE those shirts/onesies!
Jayden was given a bib that I love but don't really put on him because I am afraid it will offend someone. It says Nice Tits, can I try one? Cute in a picture though
I saw a few cute ones the other day. "I cry when ugly people hold me" and another is, "Dude, your girlfriend keeps checking me out"
Those are crazy! lol
Here are some you could make on your own. http://www.mamamonkey.com/shop/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=5
I can totally relate to the one that says "My Mom is not a cow." I sure felt like one while pumping at work.
I read about this company because they donated onesies to a local church.
Is there a Website where I can take a look at wicked sweet tees and onesies like these? My DH would LOVE them for our LO.
I am so with you on the cute boys clothes! We aren't really looking yet since we hopefully find out in a week & a half, but we will have to swap sources if it is a boy (Like we all think it is!)
I got a few for my friends new baby that said: "ask me about my compost pile" "it was the dog" "i can't read" and "i might barf"
:) i like the fun shirts!!
I've been getting quite passive-aggressive with the onesies messages myself. In defence against all the bloody daft questions :)
I adore those clothes!!! I'm thinking of doing the same thing as you...iron ons. Right now my boys will look like they just walked out of BRU. This has to be remedied! ;-)
My favorite onesie of Owen's said "I'm a boob man." I cried when he outgrew it!
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