(click on image to see it larger)
I still have a few hpts sitting under my sink and thought I'd take one so I got ~no surprises~ tomorrow in outpatient surgery. So I POAS.
What the fuck is in the test window? That is ~so~ not a line, right? RIGHT? That's just some weird evap line I'm sure. I must of pulled it out of the lets-fuck-with-her-mind brand hpt box.
I am ~not~ one of those women who get "unwanted" BFPs. They are the most coveted result ever to achieve! They don't just pop up out of the blue.
That just is ~not~ a light, early BFP. Heh. The HPT gods had to fuck with me one last time. Good one! The joke's on me!!
blue evap lines. I've seen plenty like that. Once that horizontal line is gone, they more often than not look just like that - at least the ones I took. They suck.
Hope your surgery goes great tomorrow!
Holy shit Nancy...surely they are fucking with you...riiight?!? What would you do? lol
Hmmm. Very very interesting. :) Did you pee on another stick?!
Kind of looks like a line to me. Try to take another one in the morning and see what it says. I guess you shouldn't have been having sex like some drunken teenager;)
Wait, I just had a thought have your dh pee on one! Good Luck!
horizontal line? There is no horizontal line. It's just the two parallel lines.
i have one left. I'll take it in morning.
I'm sure it's NOT a fucking line.
Remind me how many weeks pp you are again?
HPT's will stay pos for a while- often weeks, the hcg takes some time to leave your system after the placenta goes, because it's so high when you're pregnant. Even if you're not making it anymore it can take some time to register negative on a test.
Alternatively ... :)
hmm- that is interesting! Wouldn't that be ironic??
OMG. Have you inverted it yet? Do it. See if there is still a line. OMG. Holy shit. I wonder...
aaahh!! Wouldn't that be something--10 months apart?
You did say you were a little whore this month.....
I think Geohde is right that you still have HCG left in your body from your pregnancy with Karl.
oh ma gah! that would be insane!!!!
J - I'm 6w3d postpartum. And I've already googled "hcg after birth" until my fingers bled. "THEY" say it can take up to 8 weeks, but then again, everyone who has done personal little tests haven't seen it in their system that long.
You have mail.
Uh, what the fuck?
No idea. But yowzers! keep us posted!
from peeonastick.com
6. Could I have a false positive?
Lastly, if you have been pregnant recently, it's possible that the test is detecting residual hCG. However, if a pregnancy ends early on, it's unlikely that hCG will remain in your system very long, so most women have nothing to worry about here. (It's extremely common for women to conceive immediately following an early miscarriage; the body is "primed" for pregnancy, so to speak, and elevated progesterone left from the miscarriage gives the next embryo a great shot at a healthy implantation. So, most women really are detecting a new pregnancy.)
However, the more hCG you had in your system when the pregnancy ended, the longer it will take to dissipate. HPT's can even detect residual hCG for up to 6 weeks following a full-term birth. It's a possibility you should keep in mind if you get positive HPT results soon after a previous pregnancy ended.
Here it seems it only lasts up to 6 weeks. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
6 weeks. see? I'm only 3 days past 6 weeks. totally from karl.
Holy..omg Nancy..Not to make you freak out more, but during our clinicals we had to give and receive abotu 50 million of these tests, and our prof said your body actually lowers the HCG in your system the closer you get to birth. Quite of few of my classmates were pregnant at the time and did not test positive or tested only faintly positive. My god what irony would this be?! PLEASE keep us updated as quickly as possible!!!!
I've re-thought my origanl post. Have dh take the one you have left, and go buy one of the ones that says "Your not having surgery tomorrow, or "HA,HA-fooled you.
So it wasn't a +/- test huh. I've never used a blue dye test that was only two parallel lines... I hate blue dye tests.
It is probably either an evap - and with blue dye they do show up inverted in my experience, anyways, or like you said, residual from Karl.
Okay, let's figure this out. When was your cycle and how many DPO do you think you would be today?
Wow! Don't know what to say to that... I can't wait to hear how this goes for you in the morning.
Um, please tell me that's an evap line...or hopefully Jo is right...
I know I should be looking at the stick but I can't take my eyes of your new header. So beautiful on so many counts.
Good luck tomorrow. With the stick and other instruments.
Good luck with your surgery! Make sure you lets ALL of us know what happens in the morning with your hpt..please?
I'm on the fence, does look positive to me, but could be residual.Cant wait till tomorrow!
Holy shit. Holy shit.
I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that it is 3w5d from when you first said you got your period (God I feel like a freak for searching back to when you posted that).
And won't the doctor's office do a pregnancy test since they're doing a procedure? I'm assuming they'll do a urine test like most doctors do. Wouldn't a false positive (from remaining pregnancy hcg) show up there, too? What will their response be?
OMG. That looks like a line to me. I was going to say something about false positives from left over HCG. Maybe you just had a whole lot?
Maybe buy the good old pregnant/not pregnant kind to see...
Ummm, what the fuck is right. You might want to mention this to the dr. before the surgery.
Shit, I have no idea what else to say. Keep us posted.
I think Karl is throwing you one more little curve ball...he's been full of them, this little one ;-)
None the less...I'm holding my breath for you until, well, today....how the hell did I miss this yesterday? lol
oh goodness! KUP on your morning test! if it's not positive, hope your surgery goes great! but either surgery or positive, i'm thinking of you!!
It's never easy, is it?
Dang Nancy...that would be way f-ing ironic. I can't wait to hear if they did a blood test at the dr's office before your sterilization today. I'm dying for an update!!
I love the new header Nancy! Beautiful! Very peaceful :)
I remember early on I had fished one of those evil sticks out of the trash only to find a positive -- little did I know that they did that twelve hours after the fact...but a brand new one out of the box?
Well there are such thing as "irish twins" nine months apart....wouldn't that be something...
I think it's just an evap line. But we were talking about surprise pregnancies last week...
And I love your new header. Beautiful & relaxing.
Wouldn't that just be irony kicking your ass?
I'm sorry Nancy but I'm just sitting here laughing at the irony of it all. Now that you are done with building your family, and are about to take steps to keep it at the size it currently is, you get this thrown at you.
I truly hope it is just an evap line, but I almost hope too that your body is saying "Let me give you a gift that you didn't have to fight for."
Is anyone else dying for Nancy to get her ass back on here and update???
I'm in Central time and she's Mountain time--I think she's only an hour behind. She has to have peed on another stick by now! I wonder what time her appointment was at?!
Yes Sarah - I've logged on here like 800 times already this morning to see what's up.
Hello Nancy - text from your phone or something!
OMG!! It could go either way. Wouldn't it be crazy?.... Maybe I'll POAS if I have one just to see what it says. We haven't had sex yet so if mine is positive, it's got to be leftover.
Yeah, I've been checking for an update for hours.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Love the new header. Waiting to hear if it was a "joke on you" or not ;)
I'm so anxious to hear/read the results. Anybody hear anything yet?
DUDE. I need you to take like five more tests and update.
OMG NANCY..We are DYING for an update..Im thinking since there hasn't been one there are 2 choices 1) Your in surgery or 2) your passed out on the bathroom floor..UPDATE ASAP!!!!!
I scrolled down and saw that her surgery was scheduled for 9:00 am, so I would imagine that would be about 35 minutes ago, her time. She probably got up early, POAS, and then called her doctor or went in. If it was negative, they probably went on with the surgery--I am sure they did a blood test either way. Who knows....but I just want to know!
Maybe she's at home in a POAS trance with like, 20 of them sitting around her. Hehe...
I am dying to know! They must have done a blood test before surgery, so I hope there is a definitive answer now, right?
Dying to know... was it for sure the lets-fuck-with-her-mind brand hpt??
Love the new header - gorgeous!
holy crap!!! so what were the results of test #2???
Well, if it's been this long, she must have had the surgery. I am hoping everything went okay! That poor woman has had her share of scary hospital visits. It's time for her to stay home for a very long time!
Yeah Im thinking she's in a drug induced recovery currently..Update soon Nancy, we miss you:)
Woman- I hope you are in recovery & that's why there's no update yet! Thinking about you!!!
I love you.. You have to know this
#1) I love the pictures of ya'll.. amazing
#2) I am sitting at my desk, giggling my ASS OFF!
I know... it's not me.. but I'm giggly...
Ok.. I hope you are feeling better... let us know!
I just wanted to add this but I "just" noticed your new blog heading and it is adorable! That is the cutest picture I have seen thus far! I glanced at it at first thinking "aww how pretty where did she find that pic from, it's so motherly" and then when i double looked I realized "hey thats nancy!!" it looks like something you would see in a magazine or something! (im such a dork)
Anyways, I hope all is well with the surgery!
I just logged on and saw- that's what I get for doing housework! Let us know something.
Wow - I'd say the joke's not funny at all. ~WINK~
I'll be thinking about you tomorrow.
Love the new look, BTW!!
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