I don't think I have anything else to add than what I already blogged about.
~ The pain I had came on suddenly and out of the blue. I was doubled over in pain and could ~not~ stand up. At the exact same time, my upper right shoulder hurt ridiculously bad too. One second I was fine, next second I was in tears.
~ I'm a bad stick. They tried 3 times (my record is 11 sticks) in my hand/wrist and went to my neck. Check out the pictures. Pretty punk rock, eh?

~ Gave me morphine. Awesome, but seemed to only last for a short time. I got 4mgs 3 times while there.
~ U/S didn't show anything really. Some fluid in/around uterus, nothing spectacular from someone 1 month (happy month birthday karl!) postpartum. Appendix and gall bladder looked fine. Oh - she saw follicles on my ovaries! Ack. I had sex last night (go me!) and freaked out I'll suddenly fall pregnant. How funny things change, no?
~ Doc said he still thinks it's gall bladder due to my symptoms matching and it being so common post pregnancy. Said that even though u/s looked fine, there is something about the gall bladder not functioning properly which can cause the same pain. Wants me to get some test I completely have forgotten the name of. A few of you left comments about some gall bladder tests, so maybe that's one of them. I'll look it up. Wants my primary care to order it.
~ Sent to CT scan to rule out anything else. That is when they say something in my uterus. Most likely some retained placenta. He said even w/ d&c, since I had placenta accreta, tissue can get left from what was grown into uterine wall. Wants me to see OB immediately for this, does ~not~ want me to wait until end of next week for my 6 week postpartum checkup. Since I am just now having symptoms, the time is now.
~ Doc gave me some IV antibitotics "just in case" to save off any uterine infection. Not quite happy about more antibiotics, but if he says I need it, I'll believe him. He's got the medical degree, not me.
I swear. If I need any type of surgery, I'm going to be fucking pissed. I've been through enough, thank you. (But did I put this on myself from asking "what else can happen? The plague?" in one of my entries post-pneumonia?) Irony rules, eh?
I'm sure nothing I can say will help so I'll simply send good thoughts and hugs your way.
Youch! That IV in your neck looks bloody eina!!!! Feel better soon hon!
Poor you. Really scary stuff. Take care of yourself! I hope you'll be better soon.
OH babes, hoping all sorts itself out pronto, and I thought I had drama in my life, nothing compared to this!
Take good care.
good god, just came to check in on you. i'm glad you are home, but jeez, you have been through enough, my dear. seriously. what is worse - retained placenta or gall bladder issues? i guess both would royally suck. thinking of you...
Oh crap hon. I'm really glad you are home now- but I don't want you to have to have surgery... again.
Take care of yourself (as much as you can) & I'm thinking about you.
love ya.
Nancy I had to have gallbladder surgery when my little one was 7 weeks old. Your pain def. sounds like what I experienced with gallbladder attacks. And they will continue to come frequently and hard as long as you have issues unfortunately. Surgery sounds daunting and exhausting but after my surgery I was a new person. And personally I thought recovery from the surgery was awful and I had lap done. It took me longer to recover from that than my c-section!! Owie. :(
I know that you know you do not want to continue to go through that pain over and over. UGHHHHHHHH!!!
I am ~so so~ sorry this has popped up, too. You need a BREAK!!!! Now!!!
Oh Nancy,
Jesus you've had a rough go of things.
I truly hope this resolves itself without surgery -- you are one strong, beautiful, resilient woman though -- I can't believe how much you've been through. I really hope you are taking care of yourself.
First off, you are so hardcore with that neck IV! ;)
Second, and more importantly, I'm so sorry you've been plagued with all these post partum health issues. I really hope they figure out this pain and then you're blessed with lots of good health!
There's a nuc med study called a Hyda Scan with CCK (cholecystakinin) sp? that checks gallbladder function. Did they do labs and check for pancreatitis? Sometimes you can pass a gallstone they can miss, but if your labs are elevated it can indicate that a gallstone was passed and irritated the pancreas. Hope you are feeling better soon!
Oh Lordy. You have really got yourself in deep these past few weeks....who know after pneumonia and a blood transfusion this would happen? Hope all gets better and no surgery is needed.
I hope you get better soon! Take care of yourself!
That IV in the neck is seriously freaky! YIKES!!
Hope they figure it all out and you feel better soon:)
So glad you're better, but holy crap I think you've been through enough medical maladies so far this year for all of us! *hugs*
I'm sorry you are dealing with another medical issue. Take care - I hope you feel better soon.
So glad you're home!
God bless, you've been through the ringer this year. What gives?!?!
Ugh on it all. I too had postpartum gallbladder problems but they cleared up (so far) with no surgery. My doc said it was probably from the rapid weight loss and my gallbladder going into overdrive. The test is a HIDA scan and it involves radioactive stuff in your IV. The radiologists will tell you not to nurse for 48 hours but I checked with a lactation nurse and she looked in some book and said it would be fine as long as I drank lots and lots of water after to flush my system. Good luck.
Wow.I'm glad your out of the hospital, I hope whatever you need isn't surgery. Happy one month Karl!
Holy crap, you've had a run of it this last month. The IV in the neck is INSANE. I didn't even know they did that.
Hope you get to feeling better and that surgery can somehow be avoided.
I hope you get feeling better (all around) soon, No More Problems For You!
Sending ~Healing Vibes~
The IV in your neck is nasty! Ack! Feel better beotch.
good god lady, what a month you've had! hope you feel better. you look bad ass with that neck IV... just sayin.
You have GOT to be kidding me! I hope you don't need surgery, but if you do, tell people you ruptured your spleen doing rollerderby. Your street cred will soar, lady!
But sorry. Wishing you quick, non-surgical healing.
Crap, Nancy. That's some huge sucktitude. Hoping they figure it out and that you are on the mend quickly.
OMG Nancy! I hope you are feeling better. They need to take care of you so you get better. Having babies is hell on a girls body.
JFC that is crazy. You should keep the IV in your neck a while just to show how hard core you are ;-) Honestly, I have never seen being a bad stick resort to that. Did they do it to punish you?
If its any consolation, I seem to be walking around with some "retained tissue" too. A huge chunk. Pre-op is tomorrow. Hysteroscopy is end of month. Unfortunately, if that is the case in your situation, I think surgery is the inevitable conclusion. :(
Yikes! Scary stuff. Hope they figure it out soon and you can feel better finally!
Ok.. totally scary issues..
But.. Um..
Wear that to a concert.. NO ONE will mosh you.. hehehehe...
Oh geez..I'm so sorry! YOu have been through enough already I swear. Lots of prayers and hugs coming your way...keep up the good fight ((hugs))
Oh damn. Seriously, what are the odds of having all these problems dumped on one person within a month?!?
Wait, don't answer that.
Take care of yourself, and don't walk under any ladders or break a mirror. Your brand of luck scares me.
holycrap! HUGE HUGS!!!!
Holy hell hun, I'm not sure I know what to say except I'm thinking about you. I can't believe everything you have been through lately!
geez... what next? glad you're home safe. i have no experience with gall bladder anything, but i did have to deal with a retained placenta & uterine infection after one of our mc's, & usually it requires either a methotrexate shot or, if that doesn't work (& it didn't for me), a repeat D&C, & of coures anitbiotics for the infection. Hope it's nothing & all goes well! Good luck!
Praying for you Nancy! Hope you get this all taken care of soon. Sending hugs to you.
Holy crap, woman!!!
The IV in the neck makes me cringe--OMG.
You so deserve a nice long massage when all this BS is done! And a big bowl of ice cream! :)
Geez I just got to your blog and saw you were in the hospital...that blows! I hope you get better soon! Bad shit always happens to you, poor Nancy!
Hope you're feeling better.
Thinking of you...
Wow, you must really be a crappy stick- we almost never go for the external jugular. I'm hoping you don't need more surgery. Time to knock on some wood and do a luck dance!
I think the plague is easier to treat... That neck IV looked crazy! When I was in L&D today for monitoring and fluids, the nurse practically cut off circulation to my left arm so my veins would pop up (which they did) and made it a very easy stick. Now then, you need to start feeling better pronto! I can't believe Karl is one month already...man how time flies!
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