If I had a penis, I'd have an erection from the immense blood flow. I feel like I should buy a size larger in panties, but only in the crotch area. You know how Angelina Jolie has big lips? I can give her a run for her money, except not the same pair of lips would be compared. The lyrics to a 1926 song called "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" is running through my head. (get it? Tulips? Two Lips?)
And last but not least, I suddenly feel like I have something in common with these guys ...

Now THAT's funny.
OMG. That's totally how I feel! I had a nightmare last night that the tissue was starting to grow so much that it was growing out of my vagina. Yes, I was in the emergency room because of it in my dream. A really gross nightmare. Can you tell this stuff is getting to me?
You are frickin hilarious!!
WHOA!!! How does one find a picture like that? Google images? =P
As for the viagra s/e...other than the crap up your lady parts, sex should be great. ;-)
I guess skinny jeans are out for a little while, huh? ;o)
Whoa! What the hell is that picture from? Please tell me it's photoshop...
The post title should have been how to scare your husband in to a prostate exam!
OMG WTF? I don't want to see what the women look like...
I suddenly have the urge to ice my crotch!
That picture made me throw-up in my mouth
Damn, my sympathies! Good that you can laugh about it, though.
With a picture like that who needs a witty title?
Ok, am I the only one who is wanting to know the back story on those poor men? Wow.
Crossing my fingers and toes that the viagra and estrace do their thing for you - c'mon uterus!!!!
Thanks for all your support - I am totally rooting for you.
OMG. That's the funniest shit I have seen in a very loooooong time. Thanks for the laugh, and I hope your hoo-ha feels better soon...(keep your eye on that prize, woman!)
Those pictures are hilarious! I'm sorry for your discomfort and hope it doesn't get any worse.
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